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  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ricky View Post
    Pardon me for being blunt friend, but the best solution would be to lose some weight.

    I know it isn't easy, but you'll look better, and you'll feel better. Once you have a waistline, your kilt will stay up just fine.

    Alrighty then.... While I do not have an issue with weight, and you may not, my friend does and he has earnestly made efforts to lose weight. Alas, it is the easiest thing to say but one of the hardest to do. It is a solution that is also rather obvious to most, and it can be done, as "Jared" on TV has.
    But in the meantime, the immediate issue at hand is how to prevent a kilt from dropping like it's hot.
    Last edited by meinfs; 24th July 08 at 06:41 AM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ricky View Post
    Pardon me for being blunt friend, but the best solution would be to lose some weight.

    I know it isn't easy, but you'll look better, and you'll feel better. Once you have a waistline, your kilt will stay up just fine.

    Very true and as you are losing weight the problem gets worst as you pass the waist line that is between the strap hole, your are a 1/2 size smaller that the kilt and can afford a new one or the @#$%&^* post office can't get the new kilt to you in time.
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  3. #33
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    To Meinfs:

    Would you believe duct tape, then a local anesthetic to relieve the pain of removal?
    -Just kidding; good luck at ya!

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Wearing bracers with a kilt is nothing new or "non-traditional". I've seen vintage kilts at the Scottish Tartans Museum that had bracer buttons, Matt Newsome (and I believe that kilt historian Bob Martin) have both mentioned that many (most?) of the early tailored kilts had bracer buttons.
    Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
    Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
    New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    I agree with using suspenders. It use to be more common with kilts. I think one of the antique kilts at the Scottish Tartans museum has suspenders. Can't remember if it's the MacDuff or the Lochiel.
    My Youtube Page[/URL]

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