Late summer is harvest time in Germany, and with the harvests come the town festivals. This year there have been quite a few in the local area.
Starting with the most recent, today, the City of Eschenbach celebrated it's 650th year as an incoporated body. That is relatively young over here, but respectable nonetheless. My wife and I went over at noon to enjoy the food and festivities. Here is a picture of me and a coworker, who was playing the role of Dr. Martin Luther in a little historical event at the fest.

I'm wearing a SWK Saffron Shadow Tartan kilt and flashes with black hose and shirt. Belt is by Cavscout and sporran and camera belt pouch are my own work. Got several nice comments and a lot of looks from the other visitors, many of whom were in middleages (1300-1500) costumes. There was a WWII reenactor's group there (local), and here is a picture of a US Army Jeep they have restored.

And this is an 1894 working pump fire engine from the town.

There is another fest going on this week on the Army Base at Grafenwoehr. They expect about 80,000 visitors over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We went Saturday afternoon for awhile.

I'll post some more on other fests in a separate thread.
