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View Poll Results: Should you read a whole thread before responding to it?

137. You may not vote on this poll
  • You should always try to read a whole thread before responding

    112 81.75%
  • You don't need to read a whole thread before responding

    25 18.25%
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  1. #21
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    God, yes! Read through the whole thing and then try, please try, not to repeat the same thing that's been said 15 times already. There are a few threads today that I read that almost made me cry as like 6 responses in a row said the same thing and the first response would have sufficed.

  2. #22
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    Why on earth would anyone read something all the way through before responding? That is not the way humans react in this day in age. but then, I have an excuse. I'm unmedicated ADHD.

  3. #23
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    I always read the thread before I post. Unless I been away for a couple days, threads grow like weeds in the short time. Then I post if I think my two cents is needed. I dont respond if the same thing has been posted.
    His Noble Excellency Ryan the Innocent of Waldenshire under Throcket
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  4. #24
    Bob C's Avatar
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    I voted "no," though I almost always DO.

    If someone asks for opinions, I'll give mine without reading the dozens that precede it.

    Let's face it - by skipping posts, we're not missing great literature in most cases.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  5. #25
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    I actually read the entire thread before even answering the poll question (I was afraid it may be a test).

    Reading an entire thread will avoid many redundant postings. In addition the treads often go off topic or become mute with the passing of time. I have seen many treads resurrected to provide comments on topics that no longer have a bearing.

  6. #26
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    Before I start reading a post I always check the start date and then proceed through the entire thread. I will admit that I do go through it rather quickly, and have to sometimes go back to pick up things I have missed. When I do screw up its generally when I think I'm at the end of a thread and there are more pages that I didn't see. What I really hate doing is posting in the middle of someone posting pictures.

  7. #27
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    RBP (read before posting) is an extension of the "search before posting" convention. Shows consideration for your fellow forum members.

  8. #28
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    Read before posting? Now where's the fun in that? If you do, you might actually learn something!

  9. #29
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    I just voted and yes I read the entire thread, there are times when I don't but that really is not that often, another thing I have learned the hard way is to check the date the thread started.

  10. #30
    Panache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spc. Scott View Post
    The only exception to this is a greetings thread I think.
    Even then there can be some problems...

    Kilted Big Boy writes: Hi all I’m a proud kilt wearer from Ohio and just found your site. I look forward to being part of this group!

    Kilty writes: Welcome

    Off Kilter writes: Greetings!

    Highlander II Forever writes: Whatsup!

    Kilted One writes: Hi There! How long have you been wearing kilts?

    Kilted Big Boy writes: Since Hector was a pup! I’ve got true Scot’s blood pure in my veins unlike those idiots out there that don’t and think they can wear a kilt!

    Super Kilt writes: Hi there from the Great Boll Weevil State!

    Off Kilter writes: Err, excuse me? What "idiots" are you talking about explain yourself?

    Kilted Big Boy writes: Oh come on you have seen them. Those guys that have the wrong skin color to wear a kilt. The kilt is part of White culture, Darkies need not apply! LOL

    Off Kilter writes: Is this some sort of joke? Anyone can wear the kilt!

    Kilted in Lima writes: Salutations!

    Kilt Lifter writes: Welcome to XMTS! Hope you are wearing your kilt properly, we have ways of finding out!

    Kilted One writes: We don’t allow racist remarks here on XMTS! This is totally inappropriate and you are out of line!

    Kilt King writes: Is this guy for real? Where are the Mods?

    Kilt Buddy writes: Thanks for joining come in and enjoy the fun!

    Kilted Big Boy writes: I think you are the one that doesn’t have your head screwed on right! Let’s face it, guys that don’t have Scot’s blood in their veins are a bunch of pansies that are trying to work their way up to cross dressing!

    Kilty writes: I can’t believe you are saying this. Any man or woman can wear a kilt. XMTS is a place to celebrate kilts for everyone!

    Kilted in Bilgewater writes: Welcome!

    Kilted Big Boy: Listen Bub, and listen good. If you aren’t the right color and your people didn’t come from the right place then it’s just a skirt no matter what those morons call it! And women! Don’t get me started. The little women make the kilts, the men wear the kilts . That is how it goes.

    Kilted Blue Meanie writes: Welcome to XMTS!

    The Flying Kiltie writes: Welcome! Tell us about yourself!

    Kilty writes: Matt Newsome, Rocky, Pete, Robert, Steve, and a heck of a lot of us make kilts you big weenie!

    Kilted Big Boy: Then they aren’t real men. Now I’m a real man. Anyone who tries to get in my face and questions me about being a sissy is liable to be eating a couple of rounds from my .45 and cop killer ones at that. Gotta keep prepared in case the Fuzz try and break into my Green Houses. Those cannabis plants are worth a whole lot kilts and sporrans! LOL I can see that I’ve got a whole lot of educating to do round here.

    But as a believer in the one true religion I’m just the kind of guy to do it! By the way I run a little business selling the finest quality male sex enhancers . I’ll put up some threads in a while for you all to check it out. Trust me gents your ladies will thank you By the way I hope you are all voting for the right guy in November, I hate to think we had a bunch of political idiots wearing kilts!

    Highland Fling writes: Welcome to X Marks the Scot!

    starbkjrus writes: Everyone please stop responding to this person. There isn't a Moderator on duty right now but as a member of the staff (and the only non-fictional character in this example) I ask you to please not respond to anymore of this nonsense.


    The Sporran Man writes: Welcome!

    Kilted Elvis writes: Greetings from Vegas! Uh huh


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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