Glengarry Highland Games
This past weekend the 61st annual Glengarry Highland games in Maxville Ontario were held. I love these games. There is always something to enjoy, whether it is the piping competition (the North American Pipe band Championship are held here),or the dancing or the many workshops. There are also over 60 venders with allsorts of goodies, including our own Robert of R-Kilts and Keri of Cloaks and Daggers. Sadly I only got to stop by for a few moments on Friday to each booth . Though every time I did pass them,
they looked really busy!
Ok on with the pics.
As you come into Maxville you can see that they take real pride in their Scottish heritage and in the games .
More to come
"There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
~Christopher Morley