8th August 08, 10:32 AM
Zombie Dave....everybody run.
8th August 08, 12:14 PM
You have entered … the twilight zone.
8th August 08, 12:27 PM
*Wanders through, singing quietly, "It's as sweet, as X-Marks Honey, just like honey baby, from the Bee."*
8th August 08, 05:11 PM
 Originally Posted by davedove
The two policemen were wearing uniforms, but not like any I had ever seen before outside a science fiction movie. They were a dark blue and were designed in a somewhat angular futuristic style. Their tunics were sleeveless, but they wore black tight-fitting gloves that extended up to almost their elbows. Their trousers were also tight fitting and they wore black leather boots that came up to their knees.
 Originally Posted by davedove
The police had taken us to the jail. As we drove through town I noticed something unusual. Every person I saw had on nearly identical clothes. The colors varied a little, but the styles were all the same.
“Look at the people. They’re all wearing the same basic outfit,” I said quietly to my associates.
 Originally Posted by Birddog
Sounds like the Moderators need to send in a team of search and rescue dogs with a sharpshooting handler...This sounds like a job for Mac, Céilí, and Finnegan!
Loving this so far, gotta forgive my selfishness at wanting to be in it as well!
If the dogs are also wearing black leather fetish ... er, future wear - I'll sit this one out, and let someone else be the faithful canine companion/comic relief.
8th August 08, 05:42 PM
Oh wow. This one justs gets better and better.
A nice way to relax after my workout!
8th August 08, 06:54 PM
NO NO NO! The dogs would not be wearing that rubbish! They would come from the other earth to help! And yes, those are their real names.
9th August 08, 03:15 AM
Scene 15
I let what the sheriff said sink in a while. Apparently, my counterpart on this world was not a very nice person and that had resulted in his execution.
“I don’t know Sheriff, maybe I got better,” I said.
He stepped away from me. “Laugh now funny man. The FBI is going to be here first thing in the morning and their interrogation techniques are much more sophisticated than mine. You’re going to have an interesting time explaining to them how you rose from the dead.”
He walked over to the door and opened it. “Deputy,” he said, “take him back to his cell.”
Two deputies came into the room and pulled me from the chair. My hands were still handcuffed behind my back, so getting up was a bit awkward.
They led me down the hall to the cellblock. They opened the outer door and led me inside. They took me to one of four cells and opened the door. One of the deputies took the cuffs off my wrists and pushed me into the cell. The door was closed and locked behind me. I heard the outer door open and close as the deputies left.
I looked around my cell. It was a simple concrete room about eight feet square. The door was steel with just a small, 4-inch square open window. The locking mechanism was completely external, as there was no sign of it on the inside. On the wall opposite the door was a single window, this one about eight inches wide by four inches tall, set about eight feet from the floor.
Inside the room was a simple cot built into the wall with a thin mattress and a blanket. Next to it was a simple toilet mounted on the wall.
I stepped to the door and spoke out of the window, “Hawk? Raven?”
Ms. Hawk’s face appeared in the window of the door opposite mine. “I’m here,” she said.
Ms. Raven’s voice came from my left. “I’m here, too.” She must be in the cell next to mine.
“What happened?” Ms. Hawk asked.
“The sheriff slapped me around a little, but I didn’t tell him anything.”
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’ve had a lot worse, he was very much an amateur. I found out a few things. Apparently, the Great Hall was some sort of terrorist center. And get this, it seems kilts are worn by a terrorist group.”
“That’s odd,” said Ms. Raven.
“And we do have duplicates on this world,” I continued. “Ms. Raven, I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think your double ever left her life of crime. She’s currently in prison for multiple burglaries.”
“Whoa,” she replied. “Have I told you recently how glad I am you offered me a job?”
“Remember, different worlds, different choices,” I answered. “Ms. Hawk, they couldn’t find any information on your double. Apparently all her records are classified.”
“So my double still works for the agency,” she stated. “What about you?”
“My double was a terrorist,” I told them. “He was executed for his crimes a year ago.”
There was a moment of silence and then Ms. Raven spoke. “I’m sorry about that crack about your double earlier,” she said in a subdued voice.
“What do we do now?” asked Ms. Hawk.
“Get some rest,” I told them. “We wait for an opportunity. The FBI is coming to question us in the morning and apparently, on this world, their interrogation techniques aren’t too pleasant.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
9th August 08, 03:30 AM
*** A Note to My Readers ***
 Originally Posted by davedove
I have a special disclaimer for this tale. Even if I used your character before, they may not behave the same in this story due to the peculiar nature of the tale.  (Sorry, that's the most I can tell you.)
In case you haven't figured it out yet, if I include your character in this tale, it is likely to be the alternate Earth's double. Be forewarned, because I will soon be revealing new characters.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
9th August 08, 03:55 AM
This is really unique entertainment. I've never seen this on a forum before. Dave, I'm left with the impression that you have written these before on here...can you let me know the titles so that I can search them out? I think I also saw one from Panache.
9th August 08, 07:18 AM
 Originally Posted by Birddog
This is really unique entertainment. I've never seen this on a forum before. Dave, I'm left with the impression that you have written these before on here...can you let me know the titles so that I can search them out? I think I also saw one from Panache.
If you search the whole thread I believe he allready posted links to his other stories.
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