9th August 08, 07:47 AM
Missions of the Retrieval Team - Kilts in a Cage
Missions of the Retrieval Team - The Girl with the Silvery Smile
Missions of the Retrieval Team - Kiltmen Down
These are the three by Dave that I know of.
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
9th August 08, 09:09 AM
Alternate character
 Originally Posted by davedove
*** A Note to My Readers ***
In case you haven't figured it out yet, if I include your character in this tale, it is likely to be the alternate Earth's double. Be forewarned, because I will soon be revealing new characters.
Oh oh, I think I'm going to be a Baaaaad Girl!

9th August 08, 10:32 AM
 Originally Posted by Standard
Missions of the Retrieval Team - Kilts in a Cage
Missions of the Retrieval Team - The Girl with the Silvery Smile
Missions of the Retrieval Team - Kiltmen Down
These are the three by Dave that I know of.
Those are the ones. This is the order I wrote them:
Kiltmen Down
The Girl with the Silvery Smile
Kilts in a Cage
And now this one, A Kilt by Any Other Name
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
9th August 08, 03:13 PM
Thanks! I look forward to reading them all. Should I let this one rest, and start from the beginning, or are the stories mostly independent of eachother?
9th August 08, 04:11 PM
 Originally Posted by Birddog
Thanks! I look forward to reading them all. Should I let this one rest, and start from the beginning, or are the stories mostly independent of eachother?
They're mostly independent, but there are references to earlier stories. There are also references to the stories from Panache and Pleater as well.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
9th August 08, 04:36 PM
Dang, I'm gonna have alot of reading to do tonight. Good thing I need to stay up as late as I can, switching from a day shift to a mid shift tomorrow night.
10th August 08, 05:57 AM
Scene 16
No opportunities presented themselves before nightfall, so I settled onto my cot to get what sleep I could.
Sometime during the night I was awoken by gunfire in the building. I quickly stepped to the door. “Hawk, Raven, get ready. Something’s happening.”
Over the next few minutes, more shots rang out in the building. Then I heard someone unlocking the door to the cellblock.
The door opened and I heard voices. “The file says he’s in Cell 4,” said a woman’s voice. “Go get him.”
Through the window of my door I saw a man’s head appear. “Step back from the door,” a familiar voice ordered. “We’re here to get you out.”
I stepped back from the door and heard it unlock.
The door swung open and the man was revealed. He was dressed all in dark clothing, with a camouflage patterned kilt and a black sweater and watch cap. He had a bandanna tied around his face, hiding his identity.
As he swung the door open, he began to speak. “Don’t worry, you’ve been rescued by the KLF …”
He never finished his statement. As he saw me, he froze. His eyes took on an expression of disbelief, or as if he had seen a ghost.
“Come on,” came the woman’s voice. “What’s taking so long? Let’s move.”
She stepped into the doorway to look at what her male companion was staring at. She was masked as he was.
Her eyes widened in shocked recognition when she saw me. “David?” she gasped.
I’m not sure what I expected, but it certainly wasn’t her next action.
She bolted across the floor and threw herself into my arms. With one hand she pulled down her mask and with the other she pulled my head down to hers, planting a kiss on me that was desperate in its intensity.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
10th August 08, 08:59 AM
Wow, I didn't get a chance to keep up on this story while in Hotlanta. Things appear to be VERY interesting. Wondering who these two new characters are.
10th August 08, 10:43 AM
I wish I had some popcorn for this one!!!!
10th August 08, 02:52 PM
 Originally Posted by Arlen
I wish I had some popcorn for this one!!!!
Arlen, I want to thank you. You've just given me the inspiration for another commercial.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
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