12th August 08, 04:48 AM
Scene 18
Inside the Van
As the van sped down the road, I addressed our rescuer. “Thank you, but how did you know we were there?”
“We routinely monitor the local police channels. Any time we hear about the capture of a KLF terrorist we try to help. Man, I never would have believed it was you though. I am so glad to see you again.”
He had removed his mask and turned around to look at me. I recognized him immediately. He was Mr. Splash on our world.
“Mike?” I asked.
“Yeah, it’s me. I’m sure you can understand why we were so surprised to see you. We all thought you were dead. How did you do it? How did you manage to fake your own execution?”
“I would be interested in learning that myself,” said the man in back with us.
I turned to look at him. He had removed his mask as well and his face was well known to me. It was Livingston, but this Livingston had a harder, colder look to him.
“Yeah,” he said. “So how did you do it? I watched them bury you. I saw your body.”
I looked to my two associates. They both shrugged. How would I explain this to our rescuers?
“It’s a long and complicated story,” I said.
“And you’ll have time to tell it when we get back to headquarters,” said Mike.
“Right,” said Diane, hugging me to her. “Let’s just be glad he’s back with us.”
I worried about Diane. Obviously my double had some sort of relationship with her in this world, but what kind? I couldn’t deceive her, but how would I explain that I was from another world and not her David.
“Headquarters?” I asked Mike.
“Right, the Great Hall of X Marks the Scot.”
“But we were there earlier, it’s just a pile of rubble.”
Mike looked to me in confusion. “What do you mean? You know the underground complex is still functioning.”
“Oh, right,” I said, as if my mind had blanked for a moment. “Of course, what was I thinking?”
I glanced over and saw Greg staring at me. His cold eyes seemed to be examining me closely.
I got the feeling he didn’t completely trust me.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
12th August 08, 08:12 PM
Well, I do tend to wonder about someone I've seen dead and buried when I see them walking around again.
13th August 08, 04:40 AM
Scene 19
Secret Headquarters of the KLF
As the van approached X Marks Mountain, the driver turned onto the field road instead of taking the road to the top. When we reached a small steam, the driver pulled the van into the stream and drove along it towards the mountain.
I glanced at my associates. We had crossed this very stream when we arrived here.
As we neared the mountain, we drove straight towards a small waterfall. Just before we reached it, the driver pressed a small control that looked like a remote garage door opener. The side of the mountain behind the waterfall opened inward and the driver drove through the falling water and into the mountain.
“Okay,” said Mike when the driver stopped the van. “The Moderators are waiting to see who we brought back. They’re both going to freak when they see it’s you.”
“Both?” I asked. “What happened to the others?”
“Oh, that’s right,” he said, the smile leaving his face. “You wouldn’t know what happened. We lost Jamie in a firefight about two months after you were captured. All we have left are David and Grant. Well, and I guess you now, since you’re back.”
Things really were different here if Grant was a Moderator. What had happened on this world?
We approached a door where a woman was waiting for us. I recognized her as we neared. On our world she was Julie, or ladygriffin.
As we neared though, she certainly didn’t act like the Julie I knew. She drew her handgun and pointed it straight at me.
“Who are they?” she demanded of Mike.
Mike was a bit surprised by her reaction. “Julie, these are the people we released from the jail.”
Diane spoke up, obviously confused as well. “Julie, can’t you see? It’s David, my David.”
“I know who he looks like,” said Julie. “But if you’ll remember, David was executed a year ago. And I have never seen those two women in my life.”
“Julie,” said Diane, the hurt clear in her voice. “It’s him, he’s alive.”
“Obviously he faked his death,” explained Mike. “The women are his friends.”
“Friends?” said Julie, looking at my associates. “I know what kind of woman friends he keeps.” The sarcasm was sharp in her voice.
“Julie!” said Mike, “That was uncalled for.”
“Maybe so, but I still wonder why he waited so long to return.” She reholstered her weapon. “But I guess that’s for the Moderators to decide.” She stepped aside. “Go on in.”
As we passed through the door, Julie’s gaze stayed on me, her eyes full of mistrust.
When we reached the hallway within, Diane hugged me again. “I’ll go get our room ready.” She left us to head down the hallway.
Mike nudged me with his elbow. “You’re in for quite a reunion after being gone for a year,” he said.
I followed him down the hallway in the other direction, but looked back in the direction Diane had gone. I was going to have to do something about her.
Last edited by davedove; 1st October 08 at 11:52 AM.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
13th August 08, 04:42 AM
 Originally Posted by Livingston
Well, I do tend to wonder about someone I've seen dead and buried when I see them walking around again. 
I'm feeling much better now; really, I am.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
13th August 08, 01:49 PM
14th August 08, 04:45 AM
Scene 20
Secret Headquarters of the KLF
My associates and I followed Mike down the hallway, with Greg following us. We soon came to a door and Mike went in.
“Ah, Mike,” came a familiar voice from inside the room. “Great work, come on in. Everyone, please come…”
As I stepped through the door, the speaker, Grant, stopped in mid sentence. He stared at me in disbelief.
“My God … Dave?” he said and then stepped quickly to me and embraced me. He released me and pointed to a chair. “Welcome back. Please, sit down.”
“Ladies,” he addressed my associates, “please sit.”
“I never imagined,” he continued as we all sat. Only Greg remained standing, his eyes still on me.
“I had the same reaction,” said Mike. “Who would have thought that some unknown prisoner would turn out to be one of our Moderators, who we all thought to be dead?”
“I imagine you’ve got some stories to tell,” Grant continued. “But first, how did everything go Mike? Where’s Diane?”
“She went to her room,” Mike answered. He nodded his head in my direction. “To get it ready,” he said with a smile.
“Ah, of course,” Grant replied with a knowing smile. “And the mission?”
“No casualties on our side,” Mike reported. “Seven deputies killed in the fight. We completely surprised them.”
“Seven,” Grant repeated, a tone of regret in his voice. “Such a waste.”
“But at least we have Dave back,” Mike reassured him.
Greg had been listening to all this. He stepped over to Grant and spoke quietly to him.
Grant listened and nodded. “Please, if you would all excuse me for a moment,” he said. He got up from his chair and he went with Greg to the corner of the room, away from us.
The two of them spoke quietly so that we couldn’t hear them, but Greg seemed rather insistent by his manner. He and Grant looked over at me several times as they spoke. After a few moments, Grant nodded his head.
Then, Grant drew his pistol quickly and pointed it straight at me. Greg raised the rifle he was carrying to cover my two associates.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Tell me,” demanded Grant. “How is it that you didn’t know about this underground complex, even though you helped design it?”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
14th August 08, 05:20 AM
This is getting good... but, why do I have the feeling that you'll be a gentleman and Di will be left lonely?
14th August 08, 05:55 AM
 Originally Posted by 12stones
This is getting good... but, why do I have the feeling that you'll be a gentleman and Di will be left lonely?
All will be revealed in time.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
15th August 08, 04:32 AM
Commercial Break
A Jungle
We see a man and woman dressed in smart khaki clothing chopping their way through the steamy jungle. The man stops to wipe sweat from his brow.
“Good Lord it’s hot,” he says. “Let’s stop for a drink.”
The couple removes their packs. The man sets up a small folding table and chairs while the woman mixes items from different bottles.
As the man finishes, the woman hands him a glass.
He takes a drink and grimaces. “Blast, it’s warm. What I wouldn’t give for a cold drink right now.”
The woman speaks, “But how, you just can’t get ice cubes out here?”
“Now you can!” says the announcer’s voice.
The scene changes to show a small device about the size of a coffeemaker.
“With the new FK Portable Solar Ice Maker you can have ice anywhere.”
The scene shows a pair of hands setting up the machine.
“Simple spread out the folding solar panels and turn it on. After a few minutes the status light will change from red to green, indicating that the cooling mechanism is ready. Pour two cups of water into the internal chamber and place the removable lid under the ice chute. In less than five minutes you will have enough ice for several drinks.”
“Anywhere you have sunlight, now you can have ice.”
The scene switches back to the couple in the jungle.
“Here’s your drink, just the way you like it,” she says, handing him a glass.
The man takes the glass and drinks from it. He smiles in satisfaction. “Perfect,” he says. “Thanks to the FK Portable Solar Ice Maker.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
15th August 08, 07:30 AM
 Originally Posted by 12stones
This is getting good... but, why do I have the feeling that you'll be a gentleman and Di will be left lonely?
Thanks for trying to get me hooked up Brother, I appreciate all efforts!!!!!!
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