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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Damascus, Blackwood & Bone Sgian Dubh

    So I finally got all of my tools unpacked from the move and had a couple of afternoons to work on a wedding present (way late) for a friend of mine. He and his best man were kilted at the wedding and had the whole kit pretty much nailed. But neither of them had a sgian dubh to complete it. I aimed to kill three birds with one stone and give him a wedding present, help him finish off his kit....aaaand try my hand at making a proper sgian dubh.

    I finished it last night, so I haven't had a chance to take any pics in natural light yet. I'll try and get some up today after work.

    For your viewing pleasure.....

    The little metal "pins" in the handle are finish nails that I epoxied in and filed flush with the wood.

    It sits nicely in the hand, but is a little handle heavy.

    I'm still very much a novice at this, so any comments or criticism are welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Nice work!
    Animo non astutia

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    It's gorgeous! Good on you.

    They say great minds...like great rivers...flow in the same direction--I have been searching/dickering for some Gabon ebony (blackwood as an alternative) and some wart hog ivory with which to make another sgian dubh. I will again pour a pewter bolster as I think it tends to create a nice balance point.

    If I may ask...how did you carve the backwood? With a hand tool or a Dremel type tool?
    DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
    In the Highlands of Central Oregon

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Very nice, I'm sure the Groom and Best Man will love them, it certainly looks worth the wait to me.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post
    It's gorgeous! Good on you.

    They say great minds...like great rivers...flow in the same direction--I have been searching/dickering for some Gabon ebony (blackwood as an alternative) and some wart hog ivory with which to make another sgian dubh. I will again pour a pewter bolster as I think it tends to create a nice balance point.

    If I may ask...how did you carve the backwood? With a hand tool or a Dremel type tool?

    Try eBay for the ebony. It's hit or miss, but you can find a pretty good deal if you're patient and wait for the right one.

    Pouring pewter will be my next adventure me thinks....

    All the carving was done with hand tools (finish saw and various species of file). Power tools have a tendancy to become self-aware when placed in my hands, so in an attempt to not gouge the wood (or my hands) too badly I stuck with the hand tools. Took a bit longer I'm sure, but I like the feel of working wood by hand anyway.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerr the Walker View Post
    Try eBay for the ebony. It's hit or miss, but you can find a pretty good deal if you're patient and wait for the right one.

    Pouring pewter will be my next adventure me thinks....

    All the carving was done with hand tools (finish saw and various species of file). Power tools have a tendancy to become self-aware when placed in my hands, so in an attempt to not gouge the wood (or my hands) too badly I stuck with the hand tools. Took a bit longer I'm sure, but I like the feel of working wood by hand anyway.
    Yeah, I am watching several pieces of ebony now.

    Thanks for the low down on how you carved the handle. Power tools are likewise a bit problematic for me as well.

    I've worked with blackwood before and found it a bit brittle and I'm wondering/curious about how it compares to ebony...guess I'll find out.

    Where did you get the damascus blade if you don't mind me asking? (I have a couple of good sources but am always looking for another)

    Again, great work.
    DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
    In the Highlands of Central Oregon

  7. #7
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    Very nice, from one Walker to another.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post
    I've worked with blackwood before and found it a bit brittle and I'm wondering/curious about how it compares to ebony...guess I'll find out.

    Where did you get the damascus blade if you don't mind me asking? (I have a couple of good sources but am always looking for another)
    The piece I used wasn't too bad. I tended toward slow and steady rather than trying to remove/shape the material all at once.

    I've yet to work ebony and blackwood in a close enough time span to really notice a difference. I've got some ebony for my next project, so like you....I'll find out.

    Blade came from Caulfield Leather. Quality is there and they ship for free...even to the States. Response time on email inquiries is lightning fast as well.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerr the Walker View Post
    Blade came from Caulfield Leather. Quality is there and they ship for free...even to the States. Response time on email inquiries is lightning fast as well.
    Yeah, that's where my next blade is coming from. Thanks...
    DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
    In the Highlands of Central Oregon

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post
    Yeah, I am watching several pieces of ebony now.

    Thanks for the low down on how you carved the handle. Power tools are likewise a bit problematic for me as well.

    I've worked with blackwood before and found it a bit brittle and I'm wondering/curious about how it compares to ebony...guess I'll find out.

    Where did you get the damascus blade if you don't mind me asking? (I have a couple of good sources but am always looking for another)

    Again, great work.
    I ahve used the following source for Blackwood it is very quick and reasonable.



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