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  1. #1
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    Remembering What Happened

    Absolutely no politics in this thread. Please remember what happened on Sept. 11 2001, and give your thoughts to those who were taken, and those family members who live on.

  2. #2
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    I saw a piper and band on CNN.
    Something made rise and stand.
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]

  3. #3
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    Since I work on an Army post, they have been sounding bells at the times different events occurred: when each plane crashed and each tower fell.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #4
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    There is no way I will ever forget this date. My sister and my brother-in-law had a meeting there. They were running early but luckily, not that early. Both of them are late night people so their meeting was for noon. When they came up from the subway, they were rushed into the lobby of the second building just before it was hit. After things quite falling they were rushed out of the building, across the street and finally out of the area just before the buildings started falling. I was the only one it the family that knew they had been down there at that time. They finally told Mom and Dad a few days later when they could get phone access to call and let them know they were ok.

  5. #5
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    Remembering 9-11, a prayer to those who died and to their family and friends.
    I put out my flag in their Honor/ Honour.
    God Bless the USA!
    Last edited by Brave Andrew; 11th September 08 at 08:43 AM. Reason: spell ck

  6. #6
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    I remember it very well. I was on leave between duty stations. I was due at my new station till the 15th. I was at my dads in NC. I got called by my sponsor on the ship to let me know the advancement exams were the 12th and asked if I was going to check in early for them. I left my dads house the morning of the 11th and headed to Jacksonville, FL. The more and more reports that came in the faster I drove. I was pulled over three times for excessive speeding but all the cops let me go when they found out I was active millitary heading to my ship. I stopped at a rest area at the FL border to call my ship and see if I could even get on the base. It took several hours to get on the base and the ship. I wasn't allowed to leave the ship for the next 5 days. I was put on to the watchbill manning an M60. My prayers go out to all the families that lost loved ones.

  7. #7
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    One of my wife's employees was on one of the planes that crashed into the WTC. We have said a prayer for her and the rest who died that day.

    Fox News covered the FDNY pipe band at the ceremonies in New York.

    God bless the U.S.
    [I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
    Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]

  8. #8
    Panache's Avatar
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    I'm flying the Flag to day in memory of the innocent people that lost their lives seven years ago.

    My heartfelt gratitude to the memory of those brave firefighters and police officers who died in the line of duty that day.

    A reminder of how everyday these folks do the extraordinary, and every year some make the ultimate sacrifice.

    My hat is off to them and you good people.

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  9. #9
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    I was sitting in my world history class and a woman came to the door. She asked to talk to our teacher in the hallway. When he came back in he told us something was going on in New York and turned on the TV. I just sat there in shock. The rest of the day was a blur of rumors flying around about what happened and what was going to happen. What I do remember is my teacher saying, "This is just the beginning. We're at war now, and some of you [students in thee classroom] will fight and die for it."

    Later I talked to my friend who's mom is a flight attendant. She was supposed to be on the second plane that hit the towers but canceled at the last minute because her daughter was sick. I can't imagine what that must feel like.
    Last edited by beloitpiper; 11th September 08 at 03:55 PM.

  10. #10
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    I was finishing my last cup of coffee before heading to the base that morning. I was heading to Norfolk, VA, for a week of flying airdrops with the Navy. I saw the early coverage of the first crash, and was remembering the B-25 that collided with the Empire State Building many decades back. Then the second airplane struck, and I instantly new we were attacked, and at war. I will never forget that feeling, ever. I kissed my wife, told her I loved her, and rushed to get on the base before they locked it down.
    I spent the next few days on alert, waiting to see if we would be airlifting emergency supplies, or whatever might be needed. Three months later I was mobilized and went overseas.
    I will forever remember the selflessness of not only the Emergency Services who paid the ultimate sacrifice, but also of the regular folks who died trying to help others as well.

    We will never forget.

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