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  1. #1
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    True waist, different maker...

    My first kilt was a SWK bought by my wife as a surprise. SURPRISE! Anyway, she was taking my measurements (I had no clue for what) and for a true waist measurement (up at the navel) I measured 44". I know, beer-ish belly... But, when we got the kilt it was too big. We agonized a bit (considering how much too big it was) and decided a 40" would be better fit. We exchanged it for a 40" waist and it fits perfectly--trad style! So what I want to know is, what is your experience with the other kilt makers (well known on the XMTS forum) as far as true measurements.

    Let it fly. UK length... USAK hip... whatever. Gimme the specs.

    And I'm not dissing SWK by any means. My SWK Irish Nat'l rocks!. It's super well made, fits like a well made suit and is tres comfortable. No complaints--just looking for guidance.

  2. #2
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    well, i think i measured a 44, but wound up with a 42. They mumbled something about the supplier measuring two different ways and needing to recheck them all, so I don't know the reality. Of course, I think I would go an inch smaller than I measure, since you stick your belly out more when getting measured i think, not to mention when I was measured, i was already normally dressed, I actually tried it on again at home, and was a set of holes on the buckles tighter than I was when I bought it, probably because of the shorts.

  3. #3
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    most of the kiltmakers have instructions on there website or in Steve's case a documentary video.
    If unsure contact them. I have talked many over the phone. Some of us have Skype or toll free number

  4. #4
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    most of the kiltmakers have instructions on there website
    I'm asking because I followed the instructions to a "T" and the kilt was too big. Same with AK. We got a 38" waist as per instructions and had to exchange for a 40" (which fits perfectly). After my AK I bought a UK 40" waist and it's an inch too big (so I'm a 39" in UK)--I'll wear it because it works with a belt...

    My experience so far is that sizes are all over the map. So let's make a map!

  5. #5
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    same thing for me with SWK, I measured myself and ordered a SWK Economy size 48, when I got it and tried it on....the damn thing fell to the ground it was so large, I even posted about it in here.

    So then I ordered a new one size 44 and this time it fits, although still a bit loose, so I guess a size 42 would be my perfect fit.

    Few weeks ago I ordered a size 44 SWK Standard and this one is even larger than my SWK Economy size 44, at smallest strap hole the thing is still too loose on the fell so some pleats bunch up on the sides of the straps.

    So, surprising as it may be, I am a measured 46 (I've lost some weight) and for some reason all SWKs I own are way larger than measured and I've had to order them 2-3 sizes smaller for a perfect fit.
    Hector Rojas Young | Chilean-Scot

    operor non sentio mihi , quinymo agnosco mihi

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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I have 40 in heavy weight, Standard, and economy SWK and they all fit in different holes but they all fit. Now my Geoffrey (Tailor) Highland Crafts Ltd. is a size 40 and it is almost to big I need a belt. and if I keep losing weight I will need a (Tailor)

    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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  7. #7
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    If you're ever going through Cincinnati, Celtic Corner makes kilts and the lady who makes your kilt will measure you. That's the best way to make sure you get the right sized kilt.
    Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
    “KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Each Kilt Maker has a little different method of measuring and that is why we always stress to use only the method of measuring that is from the person making your kilt.
    Never use or send one Kiltmaker the measurements from another. And never assume that because one kilt fits that the same measurements can be sent again.

    But before anyone gets too much of a knicker snit please measure the kilt you have.

    To measure the waist of a kilt, lay it out on a large table or on the floor. Then measure at the level of the waist fasteners from the right edge of the outer apron across the pleats and stop at the right edge of the under apron.
    Don't measure both aprons.
    This measurement should be the exact waist measurement you sent in. If it's not, send the kilt back, as it is made to the wrong size.

    Because the right edge of the outer apron should align perfectly with the right edge of the under apron when worn this is how you check to see if the kilt is made correctly.

    A caution --- Do not measure the kilt when you are wearing it! If you do, because you would be measuring over the thickness of the kilt itself you will come out with a significantly large number than your waist size.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Oh, one more note.....

    Always measure your waist at the place where the fasteners will sit on your body.

    If you are ordering a Traditional rise Kilt measure just under the ribs at the side and about two inches above the naval in the front.

    If you are ordering a Mid Rise Kilt measure just above the hipbones at the side and about the naval in front.

    If you are ordering a Low Rise Kilt measure over and outside of the hip bones.

    Then tell your kiltmaker where you took the measurement.

    A well made custom Kilt will automatically find its natural place, it wants to fit, as you move. If you are constantly having to adjust your kilt you are wearing it somewhere it is not made to fit.

    Never assume that every kilt will fit in the same place.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GDub View Post
    I'm asking because I followed the instructions to a "T" and the kilt was too big. Same with AK. We got a 38" waist as per instructions and had to exchange for a 40" (which fits perfectly). After my AK I bought a UK 40" waist and it's an inch too big (so I'm a 39" in UK)--I'll wear it because it works with a belt...

    My experience so far is that sizes are all over the map. So let's make a map!
    Well you are also dealing with companies that sell off the peg rather than custom made to fit you. Big difference!

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