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  1. #211
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    Well, I have finished the story, so I will speed up the revealing of the scenes. I'm still not going to give them all to you at once though.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #212
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    Scene 47

    A road in South Carolina

    The ride in the back of the truck was neither smooth nor comfortable, but it seemed fairly secure. Susie had built vents into the walls so that the chamber didn’t get too hot.

    We all tried to catch a bit of rest, although it wasn’t easy with the rough ride. We had been riding for a few hours when the panel slid open from the front.

    “You need to hear this,” said Julie, turning up the radio.

    We all listened to what the radio said.

    “Early this morning, the FBI raided a small town in western North Carolina. A representative for the Bureau stated that the town of Franklin had been identified as having terrorist connections.”

    “A number of arrests have been made. The curator of the local Scottish museum, as well as a local priest, has been taken into custody for aiding terrorists. The entire town has been placed on lock-down and no one is allowed to leave as the Bureau questions everyone.”

    “The Bureau is calling this a major step in eliminating those who would resist government authority and their representative says that information gained here could lead to the destruction of the Kilted Liberation Front, the major terrorist organization dedicated to the downfall of the federal government.”

    “We just got away,” said Mike.

    “But how did they find out about Franklin?” Michael asked. “We’ve always been so careful never to leave any trail there.”

    “Did they follow us?” Diane asked.

    “I don’t see how,” Michael answered. “I was extra careful to make sure no one followed us.”

    I heard all of the conversation that was going on around me, but I already knew the answer. I knew why David’s rescue had been relatively easy and why I was able to get away with Ms. Raven.

    “They didn’t have to follow us,” I said to everyone. “They’ve been tracking us.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  3. #213
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    The bounders!

  4. #214
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    Scene 48

    A road in South Carolina

    “What do you mean?” Mike asked.

    “Think about it,” I answered. “The FBI captures who they think is a major terrorist leader. Oddly enough, this terrorist seems to have no knowledge of the organization he is supposed to be leading. Since David is from another Earth, he would have had no knowledge of the KLF. So, not wanting to admit that their capture didn’t really help them, the FBI develops a plan to use David as bait to attract the KLF. They arrange a prison transfer, making a tempting target for the KLF; surely they would attempt to rescue one of their leaders.”

    “They planted a bug on David?” Mike asked.

    “Possibly, but they wouldn’t have to,” I answered. “They get lucky and capture Ms. Raven outside the prison. Ms. Raven is carrying a unit that tracks signals. They quickly determine what frequency the unit tracks. Using their government connections, they tap into the satellites and find out where that frequency is located. And that signal leads them right to Franklin.”

    “But how would they know it was David?” Diane asked.

    “Simple,” I said. “They arrange a little meeting in a park where we rescue Ms. Raven. They have the unit with them and when the van approaches, the unit detects the signal. They might not know it was David, but they sure knew it was us.”

    “But we got away before they raided Franklin,” Mike said.

    “I don’t think they wanted to catch us just yet. They can still track us.” I said.

    “Can we turn it off?” Diane asked.

    “Not without the proper facilities,” I answered.

    “But if they can still track us,” Mike began.

    I finished the statement for him. “They can follow us right to X Marks Mountain.”

    Mike’s face took on a deadly serious expression. “Dave, we want to help you, but we will not compromise the location of our headquarters.”

    “You won’t have to,” I told him. “I have an idea, but we’re going to need to coordinate this with your people.”

    “What do we need to do?” he asked.

    I looked over at Ms. Raven. She thought a moment and then smiled. “First of all,” she said, “You need to contact your headquarters. In the meantime we need to find an electronics store.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  5. #215
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    Scene 49

    Brasstown Bald, Northern Georgia

    We had transferred from the truck into a van on a small road in northern Georgia and bid goodbye to Susie.

    Michael pulled the van into the parking lot of the short trail to the summit of Georgia’s highest peak. A small number of vehicles were also parked there. Diane and Ms. Hawk stayed in the van with David, but the rest of us got out and moved to a small picnic table.

    As we waited, a small car pulled in and parked across the lot from the van. Grant stepped out of the car, stretched, and casually walked in our direction. When he reached our table, he sat down with us.

    “The others should be here soon,” he said.

    We sat and made small talk as we waited. Over the next hour, four more cars pulled into the lot and their drivers came over to join us.

    “That’s everyone,” Grant said.

    “Good,” I answered, “Ms. Raven?”

    She picked up the bag she had sitting on the ground beside her and put in on the table. She reached inside and pulled out five small electronic devices.

    “These are the decoys,” she said. “I have adjusted each one so that it gives off a modulated signal identical to David’s on the same frequency. Once you get in your cars, all you have to do is pull out the antenna and flip this switch.”

    “Once you have activated your devices,” I said, “we will all drive away at the same time. Once we hit the main road, we will begin separating and driving to different destinations. That way, the FBI will have to trace six different signals. My team and I will take David back to the mountain. Now, it’s possible that we will still be followed, but we will just be one possibility out of six. Any questions?”

    “No, but I do have one thing to add,” said Grant. “Once you reach your assigned destination, take the device and plant it somewhere, then quickly leave the area. Hopefully, that will give you enough time to get away before the Bureau closes in on the signal.”

    He turned to me and extended his hand. “Good luck,” he said.

    “Thanks,” I told him, shaking his hand, “You too.”

    We all left the picnic table and got into our vehicles. All the cars started and each pulled out of the parking lot.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #216
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    Scene 50

    X Marks Mountain

    As we approached the mountain, my radio suddenly came to life.

    “Dove, come in, do you read me?” said David’s voice.

    “This is Dove,” I answered.

    “We have foxes surrounding the coop. Do not come home until after supper. I say again, do not come home until after supper.”

    “I understand; wait until after supper.”

    “We need to wait until after dark,” I told everyone in the van. “The mountain is being watched.”

    “We need to ditch the van then,” said Mike. “We can’t make it to the garage entrance without headlights and those will be seen.”

    I looked over to David. He was recovering some as the drugs were working out of his system, but he still seemed weak. “Can you walk?” I asked.

    “I suppose I’ll have to, won’t I?” he responded.

    I turned back to Mike. “Where will we leave the van?” I asked.

    “There is an overlook about a mile from here,” he answered. “Michael and I will take the van there. We’ll let the rest of you out of the van at the base of that mountain. You’ll still have to circle around our mountain though to reach an entry. Julie can show it to you. You won’t have to go all the way around to the vehicle entrance.”

    We drove the van around for the couple of hours before dusk. As the sun set, Michael pulled the van to the side of the road. We all climbed out of the door. Diane and Julie helped David while the rest of use readied our weapons.

    Mike stepped out of the van briefly and shook my hand. “We’ll go ditch the van on the overlook. It’s going to take us a few hours to get back from there, probably more since it’s night. I know you’re probably going to try to get home tomorrow morning, so if we don’t see you before then, good luck. It was nice working with you.”

    “You too Mike, and you as well Michael,” I said into the van.

    Mike got back into the van and they pulled away, leaving us in the darkness.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  7. #217
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    Commercial Break

    The Open Sea

    The scene zooms in on a small cruise ship. On the bow is painted the ship’s name, Ceilidh.

    We hear the narrator’s voice. “Are you tired of the same old cruises? Why not try the world’s first Celtic themed ship, the Ceilidh?”

    The scene changes to the ship’s dining room. Several kilted men and their families are enjoying a meal.

    “The dining room of the Ceilidh serves not only the best world class cuisine, but also includes many Scottish and Irish dishes prepared by our first class chefs.”

    The scene changes to a dark, pub-style bar. Many kilted men are talking and sipping from glasses.

    “Sample some of the world’s best single malts at our Highland Bar.”

    The scene changes to a large stage, where kilted men and their women are dancing to highland tunes.

    “Learn a new Scottish dance.”

    The scene changes to the deck. A lone piper is playing as the sun sets.

    “Or just sit back and enjoy the pipes.”

    The scene changes again. The ship is shown cruising through the waters. The scene zooms in to see a multitude of kilted men standing at the railing with their families. All are waving towards the audience.

    “Come cruise on the Ceilidh, a little taste of the Highlands on the open sea.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  8. #218
    Join Date
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    Now that's a cruise I'd sign up for! You may be onto something there, Dave.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by 12stones View Post
    Now that's a cruise I'd sign up for! You may be onto something there, Dave.
    Readers may recognize the ship from my third story: Missions of the Retrieval Team - Kilts in a Cage.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  10. #220
    Join Date
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    *Phew* Finally caught up. You write a great tale, Mr. Dove.

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