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  1. #91
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    I certainly hope that I did not cause offense to anyone by my post. It was meant to point out a pet peeve of mine in the general world, and was not directed at any poster on this site. As many have stated we have such a (thankfully) diverse group here, many of whom to which English is not their native language. English is hard enough to write (or speak) properly for those of us who speak it as our native tongue that I can't begin to imagine the hardship it must be for those who don't. Again, appologies to anyone whom I might have offended by my post.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
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  2. #92
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    A'm shaw yoor polojee is exsepted bi the wrabbul.......

  3. #93
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozman1944 View Post
    A'm shaw yoor polojee is exsepted bi the wrabbul.......
    I Definately agree.

  4. #94
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    Smile Instant Spell Check

    Hello out there. If anyone is still having a issues with there personal spelling and need assistance. I use Google Chrome as my browser. It has a built in spell checker. Just like using MS Office/Word but when you type in any web page like Xmarks it will allow you to right click and choose the corrected spelling.

    I wouldn't couldnt get by with out it.. my spelling is horrid.

    my 2 cents!

  5. #95
    acstoon is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende View Post
    Your being to picky. They're so many other thing's to worry about.
    I agree.
    Oh, by the way, in your context, it should be "too".

    OMG, now I've done it, too.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveB View Post
    I will now put in my tuppence.
    This forum is very international in its user group. There are a few who write in the English language, and those of us who are writing in the American language. The "English" that I learned in Scotland, is a far different "English" than I learned here in the U.S. I have a lot of respect for the members of this forum who are not in "English" speaking countries, and attempt this linguistic challenge. Realizing that the sentence structure in most of the worlds languages is far different than ours, needs to be taken into consideration before getting heated up about the grammar on anyone's posts.
    Off my soapbox now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Clark View Post
    And beside all that, if someone else's grammar, sentence structure, and spelling are all you have to worry about, you are not paying enough attention to the world around you.

    There are FAR more important thing to be upset about.

    I like spelling to be correct, and things to be orderly and "right", but it is not all that important, really.

    Be happy. Wear a kilt !
    Quote Originally Posted by Carolina Kiltman View Post
    I have had a problem all my life with this. . . . I was schooled, up to age 12 by Irish Jesuits. . . . Then into the US Midwest public schools, and three US Universities.

    I think I'll quote G. Nathan, the "Times" drama critic. He said at the start of a seminar, that we must keep in mind that writing a bad play is not a hanging offense.

    The same can be said about grammar, spelling (all varieties of English) and some really creative mergers of other languages and English. Not to mention different names for the same item (spanner and wrench for example) I too have some pet peeves, sound to my ears like fingernails on a slate chalkboard! I won't post them here.

    So let's keep this in the spirit of light hearted fun.

    With that in mind, I think this thread ran it's course LONG ago.

    Thread Locked.

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