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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    I don't want to seem like a wise guy, but Clint sang in Paint Your Wagon...I recommend that everybody rent that one...ya get Lee Marvin singing as well and that's worth the price of admission.

    I remember after seeing that film as a youth trying to sing "I Was Born Under a Wandering Star" in the same key as Lee Marvin. My voice is deep, but he extended the musical scale to new low notes where nobody had gone before! I can comfortably sing Johhny Cash and Bing Crosby songs, but Lee Marvin was in a key of his own, LOL!

    You're right, it is worth the price of admission.

  2. #12
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    Leisure suits were a faux pas, but I liked (fake) velvet jackets and shirts with wide collars, flared trousers and platform soled shoes. Mind you, that's more like early '70s. Modern men's fashions are completely uninspired by comparison, if indeed there are any to speak of (kilts excepted).

    Flares have one great advantage in common with a kilt - you can change them without taking off your shoes!

    Glittery spandex...??? I can only remember John Travolta and Gary Glitter dressing like that. The latter was recently convicted of molesting little girls somewhere in the Far East. Not that wearing glittery spandex made him do it, I'm sure, LOL! I saw his Xmas concert in 1973.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    I remember after seeing that film as a youth trying to sing "I Was Born Under a Wandering Star" in the same key as Lee Marvin. My voice is deep, but he extended the musical scale to new low notes where nobody had gone before! I can comfortably sing Johhny Cash and Bing Crosby songs, but Lee Marvin was in a key of his own, LOL!

    You're right, it is worth the price of admission.
    I think that when Lee hit his low note only whales could hear it...



  4. #14
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    We loved the show; but when Brosman started singing(?) the place went quiet and a collective :"Oh Dear me!" whispered through the theater.

  5. #15
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    What a hoot! Actually, guys, you can enjoy "When all is said and done" as a total tour de force by the engineers. I may have to see this one---the arrangers were having a field day, too.

    As we used to say in the late 70's, with enough reverb and chorus you can just about make anything sound like something. However in a family forum, I hesitate to tell you the technical term that described this process.

    And no, we didn't wear leisure suits when playing rock, jazz, classical, or anything else I can recall.
    Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
    gainfully unemployed systems programmer

  6. #16
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    This one was so obviously aimed at the "Chick Flick" market that I steadfastly declined my wife's pleading to go. So she went with our two girls instead, one of whom had great difficulty staying awake. Brosnan must indeed have been dreadful singing as that seems to have been the most memorable part of the film for them. I actually like ABBA songs but prefer them to do the singing.

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