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  1. #11
    Join Date
    30th November 04
    Deansboro, NY
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    Whether you pleat to the sett or to the stripe with a box pleat kilt largely depends on the size of the sett. If you want the reveal to be 2-3", you need a pleat every 6-9" (3x the pleat reveal). If the sett is somewhere between 6 and 9", you pleat to the stripe. If it's much less or much more, you'll have to pleat to the sett.
    Kiltmaker, piper, and geologist (one of the few, the proud, with brains for rocks....
    Member, Scottish Tartans Authority
    Geology stuff (mostly) at http://people.hamilton.edu/btewksbu
    The Art of Kiltmaking at http://theartofkiltmaking.com

  2. #12
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    5th August 07
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barb T. View Post
    Whether you pleat to the sett or to the stripe with a box pleat kilt largely depends on the size of the sett. If you want the reveal to be 2-3", you need a pleat every 6-9" (3x the pleat reveal). If the sett is somewhere between 6 and 9", you pleat to the stripe. If it's much less or much more, you'll have to pleat to the sett.
    Very good advice, thank you. By the way, I really love your book.. very well done.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Deansboro, NY
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    Kiltmaker, piper, and geologist (one of the few, the proud, with brains for rocks....
    Member, Scottish Tartans Authority
    Geology stuff (mostly) at http://people.hamilton.edu/btewksbu
    The Art of Kiltmaking at http://theartofkiltmaking.com

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    I don't think you are limited to just three layers of fabric for box pleats - at least, I hope not - there is one pinned together in my stack of things to finish where the waist line has five layers of fabric.

    It just seemed to be a logical development of the concept, to put more fabric into the kilt by making each inner fold longer.

    It can also be made into a mirror imaged kilt, by having the backward or forward facing part closer to the outside than the other one.

    Pressing it is going to be interesting.

    Anne the Pleater

  5. #15
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    I think I'm correct in saying that the historical samples that the traditional Scottish box pleated kilts are based on don't have the boxes overlapping in the back. Is that true Matt??
    Kiltmaker, piper, and geologist (one of the few, the proud, with brains for rocks....
    Member, Scottish Tartans Authority
    Geology stuff (mostly) at http://people.hamilton.edu/btewksbu
    The Art of Kiltmaking at http://theartofkiltmaking.com

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