9th October 08, 02:13 PM
 Originally Posted by Weasel Mender
As a coffee snob I have discovered my new favorite.....Boresha Ethiopean 100% organic, 100% free trade rosted with a new method which eliminates bitterness from burned beans.
Other opinions on the World's Best are herewith solicited..
Ethiopian Yurga cheffe (sp)? Is what keeps me going. Black no sugar. I am a caffiene junky.
9th October 08, 02:30 PM
 Originally Posted by Tattoo Bradley
Mmmmm... coffee. Not much too fancy available around here. I think I'll order a pound of one of the Acme blends though. SOunds great.
I prefer the Powerglide myself, you taste more coffee and less roast, but I've never had bad coffee from them. I found an action shot of Chris, one of the baristas, (I wonder if they want to be called that) throwing at Monterey in July, the owner is Larry, the second seated to the right:

If you can't be good, be entertaining!!!
9th October 08, 02:50 PM
 Originally Posted by emolas
Has anyone tried the "Kopi Luwak" coffee? I hear it's really good but at $180/pound it's a bit steep for regular consumption. One of these days I'll order a 2oz. pouch and give it a try but, since I drink 2+ pots a day, my usual coffee is anything on sale as long as it's 100% arabica.
Oooooh...that's the stuff that gets eaten and shat out by a tropical civet?
What other predigested gourmet delights can we find? Honey? Bee spit!
...seems the trouble with the world today...
9th October 08, 03:42 PM
I'm a fan of Jamaican Blue Mtn myself. It's pricey so I limit myself to three or four pounds a year.
10th October 08, 01:36 PM
I've treid many coffees, but nothing says, "Come down off the ceiling!!", like Community Brand from Loozana!!
10th October 08, 02:42 PM
I'm an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe fan as well. Will have to try this one. And as another coffee snob, I am reminded of the bumper sticker I spotted in Seattle "FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS DRINK STARBUCKS"
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
10th October 08, 03:02 PM
Speaking of Louisiana, has anybody tried coffee with chicory? It's something they did to make the bitter coffee that they had back when stretch and taste smoother.
Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
“KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce
10th October 08, 05:24 PM
 Originally Posted by georgeblack7
Speaking of Louisiana, has anybody tried coffee with chicory? It's something they did to make the bitter coffee that they had back when stretch and taste smoother.
That is the only type of coffee my late grandmother would buy. I grew up drinking it. Now days I drink the regular stuff.
On another note, you've never had coffee until you drink some that's made by someone in or has served in the Navy. 
11th October 08, 03:48 AM
 Originally Posted by georgeblack7
Speaking of Louisiana, has anybody tried coffee with chicory? It's something they did to make the bitter coffee that they had back when stretch and taste smoother.
Yes I have.
My favorite place is a locally owned roaster (yes roasted on the spot). All fair trade, organic, bird friendly, and shade grown. It is so fresh it has to be slapped.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
11th October 08, 04:47 AM
My wife swears by Dunkin Dougnuts coffee. She just recently ordered a 5 lb bag from their website. DD is not in Missouri although, my wife has asked them to open up a shop near our house. She has also asked friends and relatives from the northeast to send coffee for birthdays, etc.
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
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