11th October 08, 12:51 PM
 Originally Posted by ChattanCat
My wife swears by Dunkin Dougnuts coffee. She just recently ordered a 5 lb bag from their website. DD is not in Missouri although, my wife has asked them to open up a shop near our house. She has also asked friends and relatives from the northeast to send coffee for birthdays, etc.
I have heard this from another source; so, I will have to try it now.
11th October 08, 12:55 PM
 Originally Posted by georgeblack7
Speaking of Louisiana, has anybody tried coffee with chicory? It's something they did to make the bitter coffee that they had back when stretch and taste smoother.
Community Brand's New Orleans Blend has chicory, but I have not tried it...yet.
11th October 08, 01:01 PM
Not a fan of Dunkin Donuts coffee.
Wasn't impressed by Jamaican Blue Mtn. I do like Kenya AA.
For daily use, I buy Starbucks Italian or French Roasts. Its the consistent quality & ease of purchase for me.
11th October 08, 02:31 PM
Ok, for the real boost, try Rocket Fuel found in down town Columbia, MO (Home of the U of Missouri). I think I like the concept of boosting with some rocket :fewl: (sp?). :rocket man smile:
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
11th October 08, 02:41 PM
Alas! Like drinking whisky, I cannot have the hard stuff (caffeine) at work anymore. It has to be for the weekends only now.
11th October 08, 04:56 PM
 Originally Posted by georgeblack7
Speaking of Louisiana, has anybody tried coffee with chicory? It's something they did to make the bitter coffee that they had back when stretch and taste smoother.
My German-American wife fell in love with the Luzianne brand of coffee with chicory when we moved to Arkansas. When she had to go off caffeine, switched to that version. When one of the Supermarket chains pulled out of the area and no one else would carry it, she now buys it by the case direct from the company. Won't drink anything else.
Me, anything with the "French Roast", or Italian Espresso.
The pipes are calling, resistance is futile. - MacTalla Mor
11th October 08, 06:52 PM
Yes! My favorite as well, particularly in the sun dried style.
 Originally Posted by scotchmaster
Ethiopian Yurga cheffe (sp)? Is what keeps me going. Black no sugar. I am a caffiene junky.
11th October 08, 09:38 PM

May not be the best coffee in the world but the rumour is that they put nicotine in the coffee to ensure that all Canadians and those in Buffalo NY are addicted. I aquired a taste for Blue Mountain in Jamaica, haven't found it since...
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