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Thread: Ozman1944?

  1. #1
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    Kafik Abuna
    (Greetings Father)
    Saw your picture in a "locked" section. Am sending this just in hopes of making contact. Syriac Orthodox? and in a kilt?
    How outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!! can ya' get.
    I'm Irish Catholic, but Maronite by marriage; my Arabic is very bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Saw your pic in The Frugal Corner section online of kilted patrons. I wear a kilt occasionally at St. Anthony of the Desert Church, here in F.R, Mass.
    Somne of the parishioners just put it down to the "crazy Irish guy". that's all right I love'em all anyway. They took me in a long time ago when I wasn't a very nice guy; now "they are my family"

    Dia duit

    Anchor's Away/Semper Fi
    CPO Bull

  2. #2
    Panache's Avatar
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    CPO Bull,

    We do have a "PM" (Personal Message) system.

    It would seem that this would be a more appropriate way of contacting Stan.

    Click on his user profile and you should see an option under "Contact" which states "Send Private Message to ..." then click on this to send a private message.

    With this understood I am now closing this thread.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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