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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post


    I like my balmorals but I have been looking for options that offer shade.

    You see here in California we do have this strange object in the sky. It is a great bright orange ball that we call it "The Sun" (you may have read about it). Anyway it casts forms of energy called "light" and "heat" down on us. This is similar to what your fireplaces in Scotland produce but they surround us when we walk outside. Thus we need to actually try to block some of this energy from our eyes and face. I shall save explaining the concept of "sunburn" for another day.

    Again, I appreciate your feedback. I thought I was on the right track. It is still a very nice hat and I think it will still be a good option for cool Fall days.

    It looks like I shall have to still order that brown tweed deerstalker!



    Yes, Panache, the deerstalker or fore and aft appear to be the only options we have. Though, I am still not clear on whether those two can be worn with dressy outfits or not.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  2. #12
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    Kangol is a highly regarded hat maker. Their products can be found worldwide. The quality is very good and they make a wide array of styles. I own two or three of the flat cap styles and really like them.
    Gentleman of Substance

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    Yes, Panache, the deerstalker or fore and aft appear to be the only options we have. Though, I am still not clear on whether those two can be worn with dressy outfits or not.
    Jamie and Ted,you mischievious souls, I do recall the sun when in Western Australia and have to admit that my enthusiasm for it waned after a short while. I think the best sun hat to go with the kilt is a Panama, or, your topee(not a hairpiece!) Jamie.I don't think anyone would suggest that a deerstalker, or, fore and aft is anything other than informal attire.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 8th November 08 at 12:30 PM.

  4. #14
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    Nice hat, goes well with the colors in the jacket.


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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    ... I do recall the sun when in Western Australia and have to admit that my enthusiasm for it waned after a short while.

    I grew up near Santa Cruz California, a mecca of surfing. With my pale skin and love of tweed jackets and sweaters I always envied people that lived in less sunny climes.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  6. #16
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    The panama hats from Christys' and Company have been suggested by another form member.

    Another link:
    Christy of London Caps from Shushan's
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    The panama hats from Christys' and Company have been suggested by another form member.

    Another link:
    Christy of London Caps from Shushan's
    I used to get my uniform caps from "Christy's",they make fine hats,but surely you can find a cheaper option? Panama hats can be obtained world wide, you don't have to go to, probably one of the most expensive hat companies in the world.

  8. #18
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    Just reporting what was suggested.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    Just reporting what was suggested.
    Its a fine suggestion, but------------.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I used to get my uniform caps from "Christy's",they make fine hats,but surely you can find a cheaper option? Panama hats can be obtained world wide, you don't have to go to, probably one of the most expensive hat companies in the world.
    Right. Here in the American South Panama hats were worn often with business suits in the summer in years gone by. They are cool, ventilated and keep the sun off. However, we also have sudden summer thunderstorms often in the theretofore sunny late afternoons, so they would get drenched and either 1) loose their shape or 2) acquire shapes that have interesting character, depending on your point of view and aesthetics. They seem to have been thought of as temporary, disposable and, most importantly, functional. As I recall, rather than investing in one expensive Panama hat, most men would buy a series of them as needed, perhaps a new one every summer, relegating the older and more rumpled ones to more and more informal occasions until they were worn when fishing or working in the yard.

    (Speaking of functional clothing appropriate to the environment, has anyone ever heard of seersucker kilt jackets? I used to really like seersucker suits, and was probably one of the last attorneys I knew who wore them. They are so light and comfortable on a hot summer day that it was like walking around naked.)
    Last edited by gilmore; 8th November 08 at 06:06 PM.

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