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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post
    If you used your credit card go ahead and start a dispute through the card provider. You should be able to get your money back.
    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post
    Yes, dispute it immediatly if not sooner. Chances are you won't be happy with Ralph. I wasn't!
    Was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and emailed earlier this week. Still no reply, so on to dispute land we go.


  2. #42
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    Did I Err?

    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Ralph now lives in an apartment building outside of Pittsburgh PA. A customer of mine who lives up near Erie, PA RENTED 6 outfits from him for a wedding and had to return it to his home address. He's now working / running his company from his apartment in PA. Apparently, there's a few suppliers looking for him to collect on bills.
    Erp! I have rented two kilt outfits from Ralph for my upcoming wedding here in December. He did mention something about opening a shop up in Pennsylvania when I expressed a concern about the shipping...

    So far he's been pretty good about responding to my correspondence, though. I have to admit that I still had a bad gut feeling about doing business with him- hopefully I won't regret going against my gut. I just couldn't find anywhere to rent an outfit in the Royal Stewart that wasn't overpriced. Glad I put it on my CC.

    I'll try and remember to post the outcome of this cliffhanger...

    Fingers crossed,
    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Ralph now lives in an apartment building outside of Pittsburgh PA. A customer of mine who lives up near Erie, PA RENTED 6 outfits from him for a wedding and had to return it to his home address. He's now working / running his company from his apartment in PA. Apparently, there's a few suppliers looking for him to collect on bills.
    That would be the wedding that Svc40bt and I attended, and he was one of the six renters. They got their kilt outfits the morning of the wedding, with no chance of fixing any mistakes in sizing (which there were - take a look in the "Kilt Do's and Don'ts" thread). My brother lucked out with his outfit, but a couple of the others ...

  4. #44
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    Mod hat off

    My opinion.

    Threads with questions/complaints about Clansman Knitwear, The Frugal Corner, and Bear Kilts keep popping up periodically and each time I find myself inwardly groaning.

    I have been here for a a few years and I can say without hesitation that I would never buy from Clansman Knitwear, The Frugal Corner, or Bear Kilts.

    Why? you ask.

    Well, I'm sorry but for every customer of these three companies that say "I had a good experience" there seems to always be another that had a poor one.

    If I am going to spend my money on an online vendor I have little reason to look beyond USA Kilts, Sport Kilt, Freedom Kilts, The Celtic Croft, The Scottish Tartans Museum Gift Store, Stillwater Kilts, and our other fine XMTS sponsors.

    I will do so for the simple reason that the customer satisfaction rate of our sponsors is pretty darn high -and X Markers are some of the most "In the know" kilt buyers / kilt wearers out there!

    Heck think about companies that aren't our sponsors like R-Kilts and Canadian Casual Kilts, or kilt makers like Kathy Lare or Barb, how about the belts from cavscout, sporrans from Freelander, A_Hay, and turpin ...have there been any problems reported here about any of them or their work? Or only glowing reviews? These people are part of our community and you can have some trust in them.

    I know some people on our forum have been treated well and got a deal, but others have been treated poorly.

    A couple of bucks isn't worth my loyalty as a customer!

    Me? I will always go with the X Marker

    Just my opinion.


    Last edited by Panache; 15th November 08 at 09:10 AM.
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  5. #45
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    Contingency Plans?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deil the Yin View Post
    Erp! I have rented two kilt outfits from Ralph for my upcoming wedding here in December. He did mention something about opening a shop up in Pennsylvania when I expressed a concern about the shipping...

    So far he's been pretty good about responding to my correspondence, though. I have to admit that I still had a bad gut feeling about doing business with him- hopefully I won't regret going against my gut. I just couldn't find anywhere to rent an outfit in the Royal Stewart that wasn't overpriced. Glad I put it on my CC.

    I'll try and remember to post the outcome of this cliffhanger...

    Fingers crossed,
    Is there a proper way to get out of a rental situation such as I have, or would anyone have a good contingency plan given this vendor's reputation? I appreciate any suggestions yall might have...

    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deil the Yin View Post
    Is there a proper way to get out of a rental situation such as I have, or would anyone have a good contingency plan given this vendor's reputation? I appreciate any suggestions yall might have...


    I believe that both XMTS sponsors The Celtic Croft and The Scottish Tartans Museum Gift Store do kilt package rentals.

    I would suggest checking them out and cancelling your order with Clansman Knitwear.

    Matt and the Crofts are not going to let you down.


    Last edited by Panache; 14th November 08 at 10:29 PM. Reason: Typo : added NOT!
    -See it there, a white plume
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    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Matt and the Crofts are going to let you down.
    I think you meant NOT, Jamie, but regarding your earlier post -- "hats off to you for that". Is there some sort of easily-found rating system we could give to all suppliers of Highland wear that might reduce if not eliminate the problem for newbies? I suspect many folk come to this site searching for answers, but the pure mass of information is 'way beyond their ability, time and energy to find it.

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    Re: Clansman Knitwear....

    Arrgghh! Grrrrrrr!

  9. #49
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    Stick a fork in them - they are done...

  10. #50
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    I've gotten fantastically good treatment and just the reverse from Clansman. I've never had a problem with items like tartan fabric, but have had some difficulties when Clansman was getting their products from others. It took almost six months to get a Buzz Kidder kilt a few years back.
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