15th November 08, 07:23 PM
 Originally Posted by Detroitpete
I think I'll add to that, "Never listen to comments about one's kilt from homely women at walmart" ;-)
I had just taken a drink when I read this line; needless to say my drink exited through my nose and all over my desk.
Thanks a ton.
"A true adventurer goes forth, aimless and uncalculating, to meet and greet unknown fate." ~ Domino Harvey ~
~ We Honor Our Fallen ~
15th November 08, 10:46 PM
 Originally Posted by Derek Conley
I had just taken a drink when I read this line; needless to say my drink exited through my nose and all over my desk.
Thanks a ton. 
to be fair, doesn't homely mean the opposite in Brittan?
15th November 08, 11:15 PM
 Originally Posted by kakkui_1037
Wal-Mart seems like it would be a bad place to wear a kilt just because of the people who shop there. But its good to wear it often, especially if you're getting support.
Obviously we also shop at Wal*Mart, so I would be careful with blanket statements like the one you made.
16th November 08, 12:34 AM
Having read this thread and sniggered over some of the comments as well as reading many of the similar posts that deal with negative or derogatory comments and the replies and thoughts suggested by XMARKS members. And, having read those, sniggered or laughed until I could not see for the tears, I have come to the conclusion that sometimes we can be a right sarcastic bunch.
Long may it continue.
Sarky B'Stard (aka Mark)
The Traveller
What a wonderful world it is that has girls in it. - Lazarus Long
16th November 08, 07:07 AM
 Originally Posted by vmac3205
My question is, how do folks know who / what kind of folks shop at Wal Mart unless you see them there - making you, what? People who shop at Wal-Mart. Ignorant comments can come from Nordstrom and Macy's as well.
WELL SAID!. I find it amusing that the ones here making all the negative comments about Wal-Mart and the people that shop there, seem to have forgotten the orginator of this thread was shopping there.
This negative attitude from what I have allways considered really intelligent and understanding group is beginning to give me cause to wonder.
With the economy the way it is,and all the daily closings of businesses and layoffs,you might have to eat your words and find yourself unable to even shop at a Wal-mart.
16th November 08, 08:55 PM
Hey, just because I go there, doesn't mean I have to like it! Seriously though, bad comments can (and do) come from any place. I personally boycott Mall-Wart if I can, though my wife drags me there occasionally. I think it is a blight on our society. But no more of that, because it's probably political.
[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]John Hart[/COLOR]
Owner/Kiltmaker - Keltoi
18th November 08, 12:41 PM
Well, as one of those who cast the first stone, as it were, let me clarify my position. Kilted I have gone into just about every conceivable place of business here in western North Carolina. Drawing from that experience, I have a short list (actually, it is pretty short) of places where I can expect some kind of negative reaction, and the local super Wal-Mart is on that list.
Do I still go to those places, kilted or otherwise? Yes.
Do I care what some yahoo says? Nope.
Does my wife care? Not any more, but those kinds of comments really got to her when she first started going out with me in a kilt.
If you are still in the early phase with your wife, she's no doubt hypersensitive to the looks, double-takes, comments from others just like my wife was. It will take time for her to relax and cease caring so much about what others are up to. During this time, I'd recommend staying away from the "short list" locations in your town when she is with you. It's a matter of putting your wife's feelings above those of your own, and that's what a good marriage looks like, in my humble and perhaps old-fashioned opinion.
I certainly didn't intend to make any socio-political statement about wal-mart or any other retailer, even though I do indeed have my own opinions on the ultimate impacts of the big-box giants on our economy.
How 'bout we all take a deep breath.
Kilt On!
Last edited by Tartan Hiker; 18th November 08 at 12:48 PM.
Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!
18th November 08, 01:03 PM
The great thing is when I was getting my first kilt, which I stopped wearing in lieu of kilt #2, she liked the Black Watch one, but thanks to my sister, I can use ancestry.com to trace my mom's ancestry back to the Gordons. (Not the one that died in some battle in Hungary or where ever, but to his brother.)
Even better, the tartan looks a fair deal like the black watch in my opinion, a little better I think really. Of course, all the other 'Scottish' names in that mix... I have some nice and not so nice options for tartans.
18th November 08, 01:06 PM
*Very* rarely, do I step into a Target, or K-Mart, and I always feel dirty when I do. I fully admit that I bought a vest at Target, recently. That was perhaps the first time I'd been in the store in six months, even though it's about a mile and a half from my house. I can't tell you the last time I shopped at a K-Mart, it's been at least a year.
I utterly refuse to shop at Costco or Wal-Mart. I've walked into a Costco exactly once, and I'll never do it again. I have never been in a Wal-Mart and have no intention of breaking that record. I do shop at Orchard Supply hardware, but for every time I walk into that chain, I also walk into my locally-owned hardware store. I no longer shop at Lowe's or Home Depot, unless the item I need is absolutely no-way available anywhere else. I don't care if it costs me an extra 10%, I simply refuse to put my money into gigantic chains that drive small businesses out of business.
The one big chain that I DO shop at regularly is West Marine Products, and I hate it. Whenever possible I shop at the one remaining "full-service" chandlery in the San Francisco Bay Area, Svendsens. Every other chandlery....and there used to be 30 of them around the Bay....is now gone, due to the crushing competition of West Marine. Unfortunately, Svendsens is a 75 minute drive from my house so I can't just "drop in".
I do shop for clothes at Mervyn's..."dress" shirts, ties, undergarments etc. However the majority of my outerwear aside from kilts is purchased at a local outdoors store, or at REI.
Food? I shop at a local chain which has four stores up and down the central SF Peninsula. The Luminous Joan gets her produce at Sigona's, a local produce specialist. We avoid Raleys and Safeway like the plauge. Then again I do occasionally shop at Trader Joes, so I'm not "perfect".
Do I think that people who shop in Huge chain stores all the time are BAD PEOPLE? No. Not at all.
But I refuse to spend a significant amount of my disposable income in stores like that.
I will walk into any of these places in a kilt, and while I am courteous and polite and respectful of others in these stores, I'm not likely to let the opinions and reactions of the people who shop there define what clothes I wear.
Now, enough ranting. After all, this thread is supposed to be about one guys wife's coming 'round to liking his kilts.
18th November 08, 01:11 PM
 Originally Posted by Tartan Hiker
If you are still in the early phase with your wife, she's no doubt hypersensitive to the looks, double-takes, comments from others just like my wife was. It will take time for her to relax and cease caring so much about what others are up to. During this time, I'd recommend staying away from the "short list" locations in your town when she is with you. It's a matter of putting your wife's feelings above those of your own, and that's what a good marriage looks like, in my humble and perhaps old-fashioned opinion.
As we write on my sailing forum....WORD!!!!
translation: this is the voice of wisdom, speaking.
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