Welcome from Eastern Washington State.
Originally Posted by
Mac Ghille Sheathanaich
Greetings all, 24 November, 2008 621amMST
On another note, for those of you who may be searching for tartan kilt fabric, I have used a source in Selkirk Scotland who runs an eBay store.
He has a good variety of fabric and is all top-notch kilt grade stuff. The beauty of it is that he sells below regular retail. He is a good guy and is johnny-on-the-spot with getting stuff shipped out.
I have been well pleased with his products and service.
Best to all of you and yours for this Holiday Season.
Fide et Fortitudine.
Yes, I've used Clantartanplaid too and can attest to the quality and the service.
Fide et Fortitudine aye!
Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
Member, Royal Photographic Society