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Thread: Carrying Sticks

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  1. #1
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    Cromach, it's the right thing to have.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  2. #2
    puffer is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    What a FANTASTC picture.

    I really like all the "Laird's Plaids"

    Last edited by puffer; 29th November 08 at 12:34 PM.

  3. #3
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    Don't often paraphrase ol' Striped Tony, but this photo is definitely: GRRRRREAT!
    The detail I noticed most was the "pancake" positioning of the balmorals, which I guess is pretty traditional; I wear my balmoral every day, but give mine a good, firm tug over-right, sort of beret style, so my cap badge stands up nice & straight, and the toorie is off-set a little to the left side of my noggin.
    I remember visiting my son-in-law (Clan Cunningham) a week after gifting him with his first balmoral, a beautiful blue one, and he was actually proud to show me how he'd cut-off the toorie!
    Well, no accounting for taste, even when it's 20-something horrid; but as those first TV ads for the Wii game systems were still new & topical at the time, I did show him an aggrieved face and remarked in my best pseudo-Shaolin accent:
    "Your ancestors are weeping !!"

  4. #4
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    Again, I echo that it's a great photo.

    So many times we have lively conversations about what it "right" or not. Or what is "proper".

    This photo proves that a lot of us are right. Day plaids are ok, and a good thing. So are cromachs. Ghillies ARE acceptable for day wear (Even if only just!) The funny balmoral-lookinng-like-a-pancake-on-your-head-with-a-toorie, is mostly how it's done. Wear a sgian dubh. A sprig of your plant badge looks good. Other-than-dark-navy-blue balmorals seem to ok too.

    Also, it looks to me like flashes may or may NOT be worn (can't really see some of them), worn at the sides OR towards the front!

    And the last thing I noticed, is that the fellow out of focus in the background on the far right is wearing his plaid wrapped around him, like a pipers plaid, but a bit lower on the hip, as well as the fellow with his back to the camera on the left. Proving that plaids were actually USED!

    Cool stuff. And J. Charles Thompson is dancing in his grave!


  5. #5
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    Thanks for posting the picture. With a wee tad of thought, I might actually put names to some of those in the picture! Wow! What a blast from the past! I was born not too long after that picture was taken and that style of wearing the kilt,plaid,cromach,etc.,etc., is how I was brought up to wear Scots Highland attire. On the whole, I suppose I still do.

    I note that not a glengarry or tweed cap is to be seen and many of the bonnets are "diced".The "lairds plaid" was a real pain to carry as it used to slip from the shoulder all the time and most certainly they were used to keep warm and dry.The chaps with the plaid wrapped around their torso would have almost certainly walked a fair way to the gathering as that was the only sensible way to carry them when walking. When used for shelter the plaid was draped over both shoulders,like a shawl, and was surprisingly effective as protection from the elements.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 30th November 08 at 05:42 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Thanks for posting the picture. With a wee tad of thought, I might actually put names to some of those in the picture! Wow! What a blast from the past! I was born not too long after that picture was taken and that style of wearing the kilt,plaid,cromach,etc.,etc., is how I was brought up to wear Scots Highland attire. On the whole, I suppose I still do.


    I might be able to help you, Jock!

    The man on the left with the plaid with his back to the camera is Sir Colin MacRae.

    Talking to my father (my father is in the MacLean Hunting, light coloured jacket) is Col Ian Maxwell Campbell of Airds.

    Centre of pic, with both hands on his stick, is Malcolm of Poltalloch.

    The two young men towards the right are Campbell of Dunstaffnage, Yr (with the nice hose), and Campbell of Inverneil, Yr.


  7. #7
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    There was someone on here that was colorizing pictures. Although this is a great picture in black and white, this would be a great picture to have colorized.

    edit. CEF are you up for a challenge?
    Last edited by Mark Keeney; 1st December 08 at 07:53 AM.
    Mark Keeney

  8. #8
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    Great photo!

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