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Thread: Lidl kilts

  1. #11
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derek Conley View Post
    OH! I thought this was perhaps a company who specialized in... wee kilts, perhaps for the little ones. You know, "little kilts".


    Get it?

    Or something.

    When I first saw the title, I was thinking the same thing

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JS Sanders View Post

    For those in N. America, LIDL is a supermarket chain - German based I believe.

    They also retail many non-consumable items including hardware & clothing. You never quite know what they'll have on special.

    Slainte yall,

    We have a chain of Aldi grocery stores in the Baltimore area that sells some german products. I believe that they are foreign based.

  3. #13
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    I have been into our local Lidl several times, to buy stollon brod for Christmas.

    The various gingerbreads I can resist, but not the stollon.

    Just one slice I tell myself.

    Better go buy some more.

    They are quite useful shops, and have some really nice food. Frozen paella, and nasi goreng, frozen cakes, all sorts of tinned stuff and even fresh fruits and vegetables, all better quality than the standard supermarkets. They are opening more stores, I have noticed - taking over, lidl by lidl.

    They did not have the kilts last time, and there was no announcement of them - they usually have flyers for the special offers for the next three weeks pinned up, and I would have noticed kilts.

    It is a good excuse to go back there, though, just to make sure.

    Anne the Pleater

  4. #14
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    << We have a chain of Aldi grocery stores in the Baltimore area... >>

    We have them in Memphis too.

    They appear similar, but the Aldi's here don't carry the large assortment of non-grocery items.


  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy View Post
    This Saturday 6th December, LIDL start their sale of kilts at £24.99 each plus kilt accessories. This is the second time LIDL have done this, earlier this year for Burns Night. I bought a Black Watch, the last time and I have worn it several times, remarkably good quality and heavy.
    Is there a link somewhere I have tried to find something on their web site, by looking at stores near to you, but I haven't been able to find anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JS Sanders View Post

    For those in N. America, LIDL is a supermarket chain - German based I believe.

    They also retail many non-consumable items including hardware & clothing. You never quite know what they'll have on special.

    Slainte yall,

    Aldi and Lidl are German supermarket chains, as I understand it owned by two brothers who had a falling out, each took half the stores and formed two separate chains, they very often carry the same stock from the same manufacturers

  7. #17
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    If anybody gets one of these 24.99lb kilts, post some pictures.
    Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
    “KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowser View Post
    Aldi and Lidl are German supermarket chains, as I understand it owned by two brothers who had a falling out, each took half the stores and formed two separate chains, they very often carry the same stock from the same manufacturers
    ...so then where's our cheap kilts at Aldi? I know that they always have some general non-food merchandise in their weekly advert...where's the kilts?



  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowser View Post
    Aldi and Lidl are German supermarket chains, as I understand it owned by two brothers who had a falling out, each took half the stores and formed two separate chains, they very often carry the same stock from the same manufacturers
    NO. Aldi was divided in Germany between South and North in 1960 not because they had a falling out but because they disagreed on some fundamental business issues including tobacco--- already considered not just a bad vice but a heath danger--- and frozen foods--- which violated the original concept. Karl Albrecht and Theo Albrecht, however, continued to cooperate and both North and South had significant joint operations. Both brothers have since left operative business.
    Lidl was part of Lidl and Schwarz, a company originally founded by Josef Schwarz als Südfrüchte Großhandlung Lidl & Co. in 1930. It was a wholesaler. The discounter started in 1973 under the name Lidl since Schwarzmarkt means "black market" in German.. not a great name for a discounter.. In 1977 Dieter Schwarz, son its then late founder, sold the Lidl&Schwarz distribution to Metro but kept the Lidl discount chain as part of the Schwarz Group which used the cash to finance expansion. Connection to Aldi? Today Lidl is manged by Klaus Gehrig (CEO) and he used to be an Aldi manager.. Werner Hoffmann (previous boss) too was an Aldi manager.. (both Hoffmann and Gehrig were a team)..
    In the U.S. Aldi South owns several companies.. Theo Albrecht (Aldi North) owns Trader Joes..

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowser View Post
    Aldi and Lidl are German supermarket chains, as I understand it owned by two brothers who had a falling out, each took half the stores and formed two separate chains, they very often carry the same stock from the same manufacturers
    You are right about Aldi. Aldi consists of two chains: Aldi North and Aldi South. Lidl is another and from Aldi separate chain. Aldi was established shortly after WW2 by two brothers (Albrecht) and when there was a shortage of everything in Germany. They sold from old buses and vans. Later they established discount grocery stores with a very limited assortment - but cheap. They were and are extremely successful.

    Today they will have weekly offers on non food. Aldi is said to be the largest computer store in Europe. They just sell them a few weeks every year but when they do nobody can compete.

    Lidl is a copy of Albrecht/Aldi and almost just as successful.

    It is the same concept. And why shouldn't they sell kilts when and where there is a demand? That might be their philosophy.
    People will go inside their stores and buy not just the kilt. Margins accordingly can be close to zero on their kilts - and they are, believe me.

    If you had had a look at Heritage of Scotland you would have known, just looking at their prices that Lidl were selling kilts at £25. Because so were they. As from today prices are back at £38 and Lidl might have sold out.

    Good or bad? I think it is good - even for the "established" kilt makers. If the Lidl customers become happy wearing a kilt they will eventually trade up to something better. Further we shall see more kilts around and that shall influence demand in a positive way.
    But that's just the opinion of an old marketing man.


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