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Thread: Fly plaid sizes

  1. #1
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    Fly plaid sizes

    Are there traditional sizes for the various types of fly plaids?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1oldsarge View Post
    Are there traditional sizes for the various types of fly plaids?
    I stand to be corrected here, but from memory my day plaid(Lairds plaid) was about 60 inches wide and about four yards long, maybe a wee tad shorter.It was folded in such a way that it would hang over my shoulder with equal length front and back, with no fixing and with the fringe at the front. I think I recall that the dimensions were about the same for a pipers plaid.I have no idea for an evening plaid ------I have never liked them, so have never worn one. Hope this helps.

  3. #3
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    Most vendor sites list it as about 1 yd (or metre) square. I made my own, at 54", (135 cm) as I am just over 6'5" (196 cm) tall, and thought a yard square would be a bit short. Also did my own fringing, and saved quite a bit by doing so. It is very time consuming, however.
    The pipes are calling, resistance is futile. - MacTalla Mor

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carolina Kiltman View Post
    Most vendor sites list it as about 1 yd (or metre) square. I made my own, at 54", (135 cm) as I am just over 6'5" (196 cm) tall, and thought a yard square would be a bit short. Also did my own fringing, and saved quite a bit by doing so. It is very time consuming, however.
    This sounds more like a fly than a plaid. The plaid is layed over the shoulder and is basically a blanket.
    Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker

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  5. #5
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    Commercially you will find fly Plaids sold in two sizes: 40"x40" (1m x1m) and 50"x50" (1.4m x1.4m).

    The few "piper" plaids sold commercially are usually 4'x8'. If you are going to buy material, then cut and fringe yourself, I would suggest using the full double width (approx. 56") and cutting a 9' length.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the info, guys.
    I ordered a reminant in my tartan, fringed at two ends. It's 75" long, 62" wide. I have to cut it down. Guess I need to learn how to fringe, huh?
    Last edited by 1oldsarge; 18th December 08 at 08:08 PM. Reason: Add'l info

  7. #7
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    Fringing may be easier than you think. If you want the simple fringe, it's a matter of making a couple snips in the fabric, about 1" long, and just pulling out the threads. If you want a purled fringe, however, it's a bit more involved. There are instructions around here somewhere.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by chasem View Post
    Fringing may be easier than you think. If you want the simple fringe, it's a matter of making a couple snips in the fabric, about 1" long, and just pulling out the threads. If you want a purled fringe, however, it's a bit more involved. There are instructions around here somewhere.
    I got my instructions from So You Are Going to Wear the Kilt and the purling was a sort of therapy. Kept me from going stark staring bonkers during the treatments after a cancer removal. If you want more detailed instructions, please PM me. I'll be glad to give them to you.
    The pipes are calling, resistance is futile. - MacTalla Mor

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carolina Kiltman View Post
    I got my instructions from So You Are Going to Wear the Kilt and the purling was a sort of therapy. Kept me from going stark staring bonkers during the treatments after a cancer removal. If you want more detailed instructions, please PM me. I'll be glad to give them to you.
    Thank you for that. I was able to get the fly plaid cut down to a workable size. I decided on fringe, which -strangely - actually came out OK.
    Do hope your issues with cancer are behind you now.

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