17th December 08, 09:30 AM
I had a nice walk this morning...
I was all set to go to work this morning. It had snowed all night, and was still snowing. Very unusual weather around here. I had warmed up my car, defrosted my windows, and put on thermals, jeans, a sweater, my wool peacoat, and my wool overcoat. I started driving, and I made it about three miles from home before I lost traction and my car slid over to the shoulder, just as I was headed UP a steep, windy road, with a steep dropoff on MY side.... I tried to continue up, I tried to go back down... All I was able to do was get myself closer to the edge. I set my parking break and made a few phone calls. I found out my mother-in-law had gotten stuck a few hundred yards down the road from where I was. I walked, in the snow, wind and blowing snow beating me in the face, down to where she was, and we turned around and headed home. We made it most of the way home, and then got stuck. We live near the top of a hill, on a private road that was, until recently, unpaved. We got got the truck over to the shoulder and started walking... again. Up the hill this time.
So I won't be at work today, and I'm a bit sweaty and tired... but the snow is beautiful, and it was so peaceful and quiet. I had a very nice walk in the snow this morning.
17th December 08, 09:39 AM
An adventure for sure...sounds like quite a hill!
17th December 08, 09:40 AM
"Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland", eh?
...now you know how the Donner Party felt.
Glad that you were able to deal with it...I do know people who would have freaked out and done something dumb.
17th December 08, 10:09 AM
 Originally Posted by Carolinascot
An adventure for sure...sounds like quite a hill!
Two different hills, actually. Definitely an adventure.
17th December 08, 10:55 AM
Ah, "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Sorry about your misadventure. It's snowing here as well.
17th December 08, 04:19 PM
Isn't it strange some of the best walks are totaly unplanned
17th December 08, 04:30 PM
Losing control of a motor vehicle to an icy road is very unpleasant. I'm glad no one was hurt nor vehicles damaged.
17th December 08, 09:21 PM
A walk in the morning after a night of snow can be spectacular. The quiet beauty of the morning is wonderful. However... I'd not like to be in your shoes. Glad that you (and your mother-in-law) made it home safely.
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
19th December 08, 04:29 PM
I got my car backhome this morning, with a little bit of help from a highway patrolman... who was on his way to have my car towed for blocking the snow plow.
Talk about good timing!
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