Not kilts, but kids
My wife and I just got back from California. Went out to visit her folks in Oceanside, and our son and his family in San Clemente.
I've played Santa for 34 years now, but unfortunately, we've never been able to get any pictures of me as Santa with our son's kids. He's a Marine, and they're usually too far away to visit at Christmas. This trip being so close to Christmas, I took the suit along so I could play Santa for the grandkids and the other kids in the neighborhood.
I knew the older two grandaughters weren't going to be fooled, but I had a chance with the youngest who's four. First words out of her mouth when she came out the door was "PopPop! You're Santa!". I don't know if I'm slowing down as I age, but I'm certain the kids are getting quicker.
Last edited by Piper; 21st December 08 at 06:12 PM.
Reason: spelling
All skill and effort is to no avail when an angel pees down your drones.