Then we went to the church at 4.15pm to get a seat ... we were at the back even though it doesnt start until 5pm it was extra special because the church is celebrating its 900th year
My wife and I were talking about our last trip to the British Isles at breakfast. If its possible to be homesick for a place not of your birth - you've done it laddie - you've really done it.
Boxing Day I took off early to feed the cats at the old vicarage cause they away for a few days
When I returned Elaine was busy cuddling the little 'adopt a pet' I bought her for a Christmas present .. its not real .. but it breathes and snores ...
Then later in the afternoon my cousin came to see us ... she always comes over when she is down from North Yorkshire
Then every boxing night we go next door for a party ... the airship wanted a group pic
In only 48hrs the Little Airship will be moving on ... so it asked to go on a mission ... and the day could not have been better weather wise ... it was exceptionally cold for us here for the day due to the wind factor ... I first took off early to feed the cats at the old vicarage .. it was such a fab sunrise as I left our front door I had to take a pic
Not long after, we were on yet another bus
Today we are having a party for the airship to say 'bon voyage', as in 48hrs it will be moving on to a new 'keeper'.