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  1. #11
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    ... and probably deep-fried ice cream, too.

    Why am I hungry right now?

  2. #12
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    Don Rickles is now playing in a episode from 1961 Mr. Dingle the Strong, with Burgess Meredith.

  3. #13
    Phogfan86's Avatar
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    The first episode I remember seeing, I was in high school and saw "The Invaders," starring Agnes Moorhead as an elderly woman living alone in the country who is terrorized by tiny spacemen who have landed on her roof in a frizbee-sized saucer. In the last 30 seconds, we learn the saucer is actually a US Air Force craft and the aliens are USAF pilots. They were normal-sized; she was a giant.

    My brain exploded.

    After that, I became a serious Twilight Zone fan -- so much so that every Friday night for two years, a bunch of my geek friends and I would buy some beer and get together after our school's football or basketball game at someone's house and watch two episodes of TZ that aired at 11 p.m. each week.

    I love almost all of them, but as a self-proclaimed nerd, "Time Enough at Last" always resonated with me.
    Why, a child of five could understand this. Quick -- someone fetch me a child of five!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phogfan86 View Post
    The first episode I remember seeing, I was in high school and saw "The Invaders," starring Agnes Moorhead as an elderly woman living alone in the country who is terrorized by tiny spacemen who have landed on her roof in a frizbee-sized saucer. In the last 30 seconds, we learn the saucer is actually a US Air Force craft and the aliens are USAF pilots. They were normal-sized; she was a giant.

    My brain exploded.

    After that, I became a serious Twilight Zone fan -- so much so that every Friday night for two years, a bunch of my geek friends and I would buy some beer and get together after our school's football or basketball game at someone's house and watch two episodes of TZ that aired at 11 p.m. each week.

    I love almost all of them, but as a self-proclaimed nerd, "Time Enough at Last" always resonated with me.
    I caught this episode the Invaders, last night. It is one of the episodes that is firmly entrenched into my memory. My life is not a fan of TZ. I asked her to watch it and with a lot of ongoing comments through it she did. She was silent at the end.

    And the marathon is still going on at SciFi this New Year's Day. I'm looking out for Panche's two favorites.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phogfan86 View Post
    I love almost all of them, but as a self-proclaimed nerd, "Time Enough at Last" always resonated with me.
    Funny thing, memory - I watched TTZ over 20 years ago when they were screened in my teens, have never seen any since though I have fond memories of them. When I read the title of the above episode it rang a bell so I googled it - lo and behold it was indeed what I was thinking of. A marvellous episode of a great show, and thank you all for reminding me of that.

    happy New Year to you all!


  6. #16
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    Just finished "Two" a episode with Charles Bronson and Elizabeth Montgomery!

  7. #17
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    The episode "Changing of the Guard" is now on. A TZ twist on "It's a Wonderful Life."

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