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  1. #1
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    Glengarry advice

    Glengarries are part of my band uniform, so I ordered one the other night. I have two questions:

    1) I think I might like to just wear it sometimes, even when not kilted. Is there any reason at all that might be a problem?

    2) Without re-living the entire other thread, is it poor form to wear it with my PC and waistcoat when I dress up?
    Why, a child of five could understand this. Quick -- someone fetch me a child of five!

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    The only problem is actually keeping the wretched things on your head! That's why we don't wear them at all if we can help it!

  3. #3
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    1) I think I might like to just wear it sometimes, even when not kilted. Is there any reason at all that might be a problem?
    It's your head; wear what you want. As Jock Scot observed, it's not the most practical of hats.

    2) Without re-living the entire other thread, is it poor form to wear it with my PC and waistcoat when I dress up?
    That depends upon what you're doing. If you're indoors and actively piping, no; you're considered to be "under arms", similar to a member of a color guard or honor guard, and you would keep your hat on. When you're done and sit down, uncover.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phogfan86 View Post
    Glengarries are part of my band uniform, so I ordered one the other night. I have two questions:

    1) I think I might like to just wear it sometimes, even when not kilted. Is there any reason at all that might be a problem?
    Didi you ever watch the Children's show Sesame Street? They used to do a bit called "One of these thing just doesn't belong here." That would be my only problem with it. I'm sure it has been done, I'm just not sure why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phogfan86 View Post
    2) Without re-living the entire other thread, is it poor form to wear it with my PC and waistcoat when I dress up?
    If outside no, if inside yes, unless as PioBear said you are piping indoors.

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    1) You can wear what you want, but they're not very practical. No sun protection or warmth.

    2) It can be worn with a PC, but like all hats, be sure to remove it when indoors.

  6. #6
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    The glengarry certainly offers less warmth and shade than the balmoral bonnet. Though in my eyes it is a fancier and dressier hat.

    I think they add a certain pan... ...err flair to a more formal outfit (worn outdoors of course!)


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    A few piper buddies of mine like to wear their military sporran or their glengarry when they are not piping as a way to ID themselves as pipers. My glengarry fits perfectly, but it will still fall off my head if I bend over to tie my flippin' ghillie laces when they come undone. Despite the annoyance, I think it is a cool-looking hat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phogfan86 View Post
    Glengarries are part of my band uniform, so I ordered one the other night. I have two questions:

    1) I think I might like to just wear it sometimes, even when not kilted. Is there any reason at all that might be a problem?

    2) Without re-living the entire other thread, is it poor form to wear it with my PC and waistcoat when I dress up?
    First, like you, I like the glen and how it looks. I've worn it quite often, but I do think it has a dressy-er look and wear it as such.

    However, I detest the way most wear it. I mean, to each their own, but with it mashed down squarely on the head like a pot, looks well, off to me. I wear it cocked off to the side when not playing with the band or I'm out and about. Square on the heid whilist piping in the circle, but still cocked over while piping solo.

    I'm still trying to find one that isn't nearly as tall on the sides, like seen many years ago.

    I wonder how and why the style changed from cocked to straight?

    This is all IMHO, again, to each their own.

    As far as it staying on, I have no problem. I have very short hair on the sides of me heid, so I have the 'velcro affect' keeping it on!


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    [QUOTE=beloitpiper;648935]1) You can wear what you want, but they're not very practical. No sun protection or warmth.

    Ah just like the Army black beret I hate the thing and miss my patrol cap, which offered sun protection, a place to store things if you sewed a pocket inside and if it was really cold you could wear it with the flaps down until you got yelled at.. Glad I am retiring soon, no more uniform changes.
    Kwajalein Atoll, Republic Marshall Islands

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    Better to be discrete?

    As far as I can tell, the Glengarry was the first "side cap" issued to the British army; both Scottish and non-Scottish regiments wore them in the 19th century. Since it is a side cap, it is properly worn (at least according to regs.) cocked over to the right side of the wearer's head, not mashed down square on the head (which to my eyes looks pitifully dreadful). To further complicate matters, the dicing on the Glengarry is often specific to a particular regiment -- red, white, and black being the Argylls, for example.

    So, as an item of uniform apparel, as long as it's worn more-or-less in keeping with the regs, I suppose it's okay. With civilian attire, well I don't think it belongs.

    As far as wearing it to "identify yourself as a piper"... to my mind that's on a par with someone who is a solicitor or advocate (barrister in the UK & Irl.) wearing his wig to "identify himself as a lawyer!"

    A piper friend of mine, Lloyd Everett, years ago used to wear a tiny silver pin in the shape of a set of pipes in his lapel. The pin was really small, not much more than a half inch in length-- but it served its purpose as marking him out as a piper. Lloyd always wore the pin wherever he went (even with his everyday business suits), which was, in my opinion, a bit more discrete than showing up in a Glengarry.
    Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 3rd January 09 at 01:15 PM.

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