6th January 09, 12:09 AM
 Originally Posted by xena
Well whatever you name it, don't let on about the plans for Canadian World Domination! That would be a HUGE breach of security. The best ploy we have right now is making the rest of the world think it's a joke.
Clickety click
From the website you linked to, I just HAD to comment on some of this list:
Signs You Might Be Too Canadian
(The list was pretty long so I only commented on SOME of them).
1. You know all the words to "If I had a million dollars" by The Barenaked Ladies, including the inter-stanza banter between Steven and Ed.
Of course.
3. You hum David Foster's '88 Calgary Olympics theme in the shower.
Doesn't everyone?
8. You think it's normal to have a grain elevator in your backyard.
It is.
9. You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin, as you can only use more change.
Had an argument with an American friend about this the other day. Imagine! He still wants to preserve the $1 bill!
13. You have memorized the Heritage Foundation's Heritage Moments, including your favourites, "Burnt Toast!", "You know I canna read a word...", "One day we have tar paper roof!" and "Kanata".
Oh yeah!
14. You can sing "O' Canada" in French and actually know what the words mean.
Ever since elementary school.
25. You think Great Big Sea isn't Maritime-centric enough.
It isn't.
30. You use a red pen on your non-Canadian textbooks and fill in the missing 'u's from labour, honour, and colour.
Sadly, I've done that.
33. You know more than 3 guys named Gordon.
I can name 4 or 5 off the top of my head. Do famous Gordons count too?
34. You think Ashley MacIssac isn't celtic enough.
He needs some help.
36. You can do the hand actions to Sharon, Lois and Bram's "Skin-a-marinki-dinki-do".
Unfortunately, yes.
43. You think -10 C is mild weather.
Jeez. That's a beautiful day!
50. You substitute beer for water when cooking.
51. You carry empty beer cans from your camping trips home with you in your backpack so you can recycle them when you reach civilization.
Yeah, but I'm not the only one! The Japanese do it too, you know!
54. You brag about the sweet herb in BC.
Uhhhhh... No comment.
55. You know the chorus of "The Log Driver's Waltz" and are particularly fond of the 'burling down and down' bit.
Are you kidding me? I've re-written a complete piano solo arrangement of that piece! (No, I'm not joking. I have).
59. You stay up until midnight (the end of some television station broadcasting hours) to hear the Canadian national anthem.
Yup. Have done that numerous times. The old CBC version was awesome!
61. You spit angrily when Americans say "ruff" instead of the correct "roof".
63. You recognize: CPP, RSP, and CCM.
Ugh, don't remind me; yup; Hockey Night in Canada theme stuck in my head now.
65. Your gravy boat is shaped like the Bluenose.
No, but I've been ON the Bluenose. Really! (The Bluenose II when she was docked at Halifax Harbour).
66. You refuse to consume chocolate that doesn't come in either Smarties, Coffee Crisp, or Laura Secord format.
Mmmmmm... But don't forget Bernard Callebaut!
71. You know Casey and Finnegan are NOT a Celtic rock band or imported beer.
Ernie Coombs was my freakin' hero, man!
75. You've actually said, "Stay where yer at, 'till I gets where yer to."
Naw, but being from Edmonchuck, I keep telling people: "chikai, chikai whoa!"
76. When abroad, you have a cold fear that somebody might mistake you for an American. You make a point of deliberately being kind to locals just to make it clear you are a Canadian.
Hence also note the beaver on my desk!
79. You've got some rocks and you've got to leave an important message -- Lucky you know how to build an innukshuk!
Not a very good one though. Reminds me of a local joke though: What's a Ukrainian meeting? "If you get there first, put a rock on the wall to let me know you arrived. If I get there first, I'll knock it off!"
83. Your Saturday nights in the Atlantic provinces include eating beans and brown bread as you watch Hockey Night in Canada.
Been there. Done that. (Even though I'm not from Atlantic Canada)
90. You're such a hardcore Canadian punk you used ketchup-flavoured potato chip 'residue' to dye your hair. You know it's kind of gross, but at least you smell good.
It's ended up there by accident. I swear! Ketchup-flavoured chips are just that good... And the residue tends to get all over your fingers!
92. You read rather than scanned this list.
Twice. And forwarded it to my friends.
/threadjack my own thread. LOL!
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