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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by duchessofnc View Post
    Well I for one look at the kilt hose. I think the kilt hose is highly important and when it comes to clothing, by and large you get what you pay for. I liken kilt hose to the hiker socks because they are very similar and I know for a fact that the higher priced hiker socks last better, keep your feet dryer, etc than a pair of socks that come in a package of 6 for $10

    A lot of the tartan and diced hose linked to in this thread aren't painfully expencive. I was thinking they were two-hundred three-hundred dollar range.

    A hundred and twenty is possible... I only want one pair and to have one formal outfit, so they better last a long time. After all, I budgeted extra time and money for Lewis hose to go with my daywear outfit. That worked out very well. Probably best to aim for the proper hose.
    Last edited by Bugbear; 15th January 09 at 05:31 PM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    I do not think this has anything to do with "Kilt Snobbery" in fact of late most of your posts have been the flip side of Kilt Snobbery, please do not begrudge others the right of paying more for a superior product.
    I don't Glen, quite the contrary. I've made it clear many times that were I able to pay the high prices, I would. But I can't...so I don't

    I only comment on specific posts dealing with prices and the like when snide remarks are made about the low priced items and the implication made to those of us buying those low priced products. That is all. Most moderators can afford the quality items and so it is understandable they let those topics flourish, but I would appreciate if the moderating powers could be used when snide remarks are made about the low priced items a bit more often than is currently done(which is closer to naught).

    That is all.

    There simply are times when you get what you pay for.
    Of course, and there are times when all you can afford is low priced items.

    When the fat cow season is upon us again, I will finally buy my expensive Young custom made kilt, some quality hand knitted hose, maybe a freelander sporrano masterpiece, etc.

    Until then, SWK heavyweights, second hand hose from Matt, DIY sporrans and Jackets for me. And proudly. I guess I have the same right to enjoy my kilthood in this forum as everyone else without having to feel minimized by snide remarks.

    It really amazes me how many people still don't seem to understand that we do want quality...we simply can not afford it.

    And it sucks to be 'ridiculed' or lessened by it, of all places, at XMTS, know what I mean?
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by hospitaller View Post
    ...It really amazes me how many people still don't seem to understand that we do want quality...we simply can not afford it.

    And it sucks to be 'ridiculed' or lessened by it, of all places, at XMTS, know what I mean?

    The issue is not people looking down on those with limited means.

    It isn't about money, it is about quality and appearance.

    If a converted kilt jacket is really well done then no one cares if it wasn't made originally as a kilt jacket.

    But some cheaper options don't work.

    What people are giving here is honest feedback about a product.

    Diced hose are for looking your very best in a formal situation.

    Matt, Todd, and Glen won't fault you for not being able to afford quality diced hose. But they will suggest that cheaper options will not last and might not look nearly as good.

    I bet all three would advise that a good pair of wool solid color hose would be a better option than cheaper acrylic diced hose.

    Or they would advocate saving for the "good stuff" as it is worth it.

    Honest feedback is not snobbery .

    They are trying to help you and others that might be asking the same question.


    Last edited by Panache; 16th January 09 at 03:09 PM. Reason: grammar
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  4. #34
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache
    What people are giving here is honest feedback about a product.

    Diced hose are for looking your very best in a formal situation.

    Matt, Todd, and Glen won't fault you for not being able to afford quality diced hose. But they will suggest that cheaper options will not last and might not look nearly as good.

    I bet all three would advise that a good pair of wool solid color hose would be a better option than cheaper acrylic diced hose.

    Or they would advocate saving for the "good stuff" as it is worth it.

    Honest feedback is not snobbery .
    Well said, Jamie. That is exactly the feeling behind my comments regarding my past experiences with the acrylic hose that Higgins offered.

    If others have had no problems with theirs, then bully for them! I'm glad to hear it -- I only wish my experience had been as good.

    As you say, offering a personal opinion as honest feedback is not snobbery.

    I'm sorry if Hector has taken offense to my honest feedback; there is simply no reason to do so. I will not judge him for what he buys in terms of Highland kit, but I do respect the same in return.



  5. #35
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    I was given a pr of J. Higgins diced hose last year. They seem to be reasonable quality for the price. The colours are a good match for my kilt. So far they have been worn once, to Burns Night. They will be worn again this year, for Burns Night. So far, no signs of "pilling".

    Most of the time I wear an acrylic/wool blend solid colour kilt hose. 100% wool is just too warm for most of the year around here.
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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    My SHO hose arrived today in the post; I must say that at first glance, I am very impressed. Pictures to follow shortly of course, but I would certainly recommend SHO to others in need of tartan/diced hose.

    A more detailed review will follow soon, but Josh & SHO should be on your short list for custom formal hose.


    I think I can trust you. I ordered a pair to replace my synthetic black-and-red.

  7. #37
    NorCalPiper is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Thanks Steve!

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    My SHO hose arrived today in the post; I must say that at first glance, I am very impressed. Pictures to follow shortly of course, but I would certainly recommend SHO to others in need of tartan/diced hose.

    A more detailed review will follow soon, but Josh & SHO should be on your short list for custom formal hose.


    I just today received my order for a pair of black-and-red diced hose from SHO and am MOST PLEASED!!

  9. #39
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    I'd be interested in seeing pics and a detailed review, I do like the idea of Black and Red Diced Hose.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    I'd be interested in seeing pics and a detailed review, I do like the idea of Black and Red Diced Hose.
    I'm very interested as well. Thank you in advance.

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