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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    Actually, since I returned the socks that didn't work, and recieved a full refund, I ended up with two pair of servicable hose for less than $40.

    I still cannot bring myself to the point where I will spend close to the price of a casual kilt for a pair of socks.
    Yes, sometimes, it's about the hunt and not just the kill.

  2. #32
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    I just wanted to see the pictures.

    My solution for "I can't afford it." or "I can't make myself drop that kind of money for that item"....is to make it myself if I possibly can.

  3. #33
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    Just my $.02 worth

    I tried to wear the less expensive solid color hose. Although they were priced well, they just didn't have that certain "kilt" quality to them. Maybe my time in a pipe band spoiled me. I have a pair of aran hand knit hose that I picked up for 50-60 dollars. Now, that seems like too much, right?

    Not at all.. When I go casual, I go with hiking socks and swat team boots. When I want to get a bit more traditional or dressed up, I bust out the aran hose. When I get married or attend a TRUE black tie event, I'll be busting out the uber-expensive argyle hose that match my family tartan tank.

    My point is this, if I wear my ghillies, I wear my aran hose. But usually, to the pub, park, even the highland games, I'd rather not wear what have become "dress" shoes, and wear boots. Boots are comfortable, stable, and look great with a kilt. Just make sure that the color of the leather matches all the way: boots, belt, and sporran.

    Like I said, this is just my approach, no need for a bunch of hose.
    The Barry

    "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
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  4. #34
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Barry View Post
    I have a pair of aran hand knit hose that I picked up for 50-60 dollars. Now, that seems like too much, right?
    For hand knit hose? I'd say $50 or $60 is a steal! Depending on what they are made from, that may not even cover the cost of the yarn, let alone the many hours that no doubt went into making them. You didn't say how many years ago that was (and quality hand knits can last a very long time if treated well), but in today's currency, that was a real bargain!

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Re: the quality vs. quantity or Quality vs. Price debate...

    Spend as MUCH money on something as YOU ARE COMFORTABLE spending. Get the best quality you can afford, without putting yourself into hock.

    I PERSONALLY don't often look back on a purchase and think 'I should have bought the cheaper one', but regretably when 'saving a few dollars', I DO often think "I should have just spent the extra money and gotten the nicer one". You have to know yourself and where your balance of quality vs. price lies. Sometimes that takes a little explanation of why certain things cost a bit more so people understand why things cost what they do.
    I agree with Rocky..... I've usually been disappointed with a cheaper article, be it kilt accessories or say the last computer monitor! I love to get a bargain (after all, I'm part Scottish and raised on a farm!) but have to temper wants with needs.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post
    I really shouldn't get into this not only because I respect James and thank him for his contributions but also because it seems very difficult to express a contrary opinion here without someone being offended.

    But truth to tell, I don't think any of the hose I saw on the golf site would be a reasonable substitute for tartan hose. They're argyll knee highs, sure enough, but they aren't tartan hose.

    I don't have $200-$300.00 for tartan hose either. So my wife made me a pair that are beautiful...far better than I had hoped for. It can be done. In fact, most of my accessories are hand/home made--two credible sporrans, two eminently credible sgian dubhs, bonnet, belts and, if I do say so myself, more than credible shoes.

    But that said I've seen custom made tartan hose selling for less than $150.00 right here in the USA...custom-made to your size and tartan.

    Sometimes...maybe not in this instance...you got to suck it up if you want to be credible. Otherwise you end up as an example of a "Don't." I bet that 75% of the Don'ts are because the person was "penny-wise and pound foolish." Which I think is one of Matt's points.
    How about $127 plus $* shipping at Skye Highland Outfitters. The are running a sale. Sale ends Monday the 26th at 5 PM sharp. info@skyehighlandoutfitters.com.


  7. #37
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    How about $127 plus $8 shipping at Skye Highland Outfitters. The are running a sale. Sale ends Monday the 26th at 5 PM sharp. info@skyehighlandoutfitters.com.



  8. #38
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    That's not bad at all...
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

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