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Thread: What a night

  1. #1
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    What a night

    What a day. I worked from 6 to 12. Came home and found the oil tank empty. Picked up 10 gals of kero to keep the heat on until monday. Got cleaned up to go the FOP oyster and bull roast. Never did see the bull. Beer flowed. Yingling. Cant drink miller or coors lights. not real beers. Ater oysters rawq until I found t he fried and then went bakc to raw ones. It's great living this close to Chesapeake Bay. Any way, I wore my kilt to the wing ding. As I have since I got kilted. Lots of cops and their gilfreinds/wives. and a lot of Morons. Blugrass band played for about an hour. The singer in the band sang the kilt song. Accapella. He sangf all alone, by himself. did a great job. I'm standing there with a beer and a stupid grin oin my face and every body is waiting for me to flash or something. I thanked the guy for singing the song. I had lots of fun even though the other half wanted to go home. DJ finally played the Chicken dance. Man I love that song. Its my ring tone. after haveing tee many martunies, (really drinking beer). We left and came home. I just had to get on and report this story right away before I slept it off. I have never had any one sing a song for me just because I wore the kilt. Sorry about the spelling its hard to type after so mush liquid libations. and at least 50 rAW oysters. IU know AI will regret this in the am as I must be in church at 09:00 hrs. I apologize to all for gioing so long. But I had a blast tonight. and didnt hurt anyone. Score One for the old kilted guy. !!!!!Will wear kilt to church and repent. At least until barley juice comes to town. then I can do it again. Lutherans can drink and get away with. ttfn.


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    As I have said in the past.......I AM NOT drunk.....I am gloriously inebriated.
    int: Happy hangover


  3. #3
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    So, uh... Frank? How did Sunday work out for you?

    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  4. #4
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    Sounds like you had a good meal of protein and carbohydrates!

    And, what fun!


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    Early contender for 2009 Post of the Year.
    Why, a child of five could understand this. Quick -- someone fetch me a child of five!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phogfan86 View Post
    Early contender for 2009 Post of the Year.
    It's got my vote.

    Remember kids, the wages of gin is breath.

  7. #7
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    Sunday, is a whole 'nuther story. Wore my kilt to church, as usual. Got into a battle of wits with an unarmed woman. She has asked me many times why I wear the kilt. She does not know of any Scottish family members on my mothers side of the family tree. What she can not comprehend is that I had a FATHER. I keep telling her the same old story every time she asks the question. I choose not to be rude to her, because everyone that knows her is rude to her and I choose to be civil. Well, Sunday morning she said I should not wear the kilt anymore. It makes me look like a "sissy", and my mother would not have liked it. I kinda just laughed it off, until she started talking to other people in the room, telling them I should not wear the kilt. What a riot! One guy, who has actually gotten used to the idea of me in the kilt, yelled at her. In church. I left to get a cup of tea, and retudrned to these two arguing about me.

    Later that evening my wife took me out to the local pub for dinner. So, I wore the kilt. Lots of stares. One woman acually smiled as I walked by. Upon leaving, one woman asked me what was going on in the pub. She said are you part of the entertainment? I first wanted to tell her that she had just missed the show. I was greeted with "I like your little skirt". I said only women wear skirts. I then made a rude comment abaout the possibility of her really being a man. She then glared at me until I got in the car and left. What a weekend. I have never taken this much crap about the kilt before. We live in a county that is an ag county and therefore has a lot of rednecks. My wife then told me about the remarks she had heard from people the night before. I was stunned. If I ever go back to an FOP function in this county, It probably won't be kilted. If I go back into O'Lordans, it will be a miracle. A horrible weekend.
    Last edited by Frank McGrath; 16th February 09 at 04:24 PM. Reason: I calmed down

  8. #8
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    Frank, lets set the score right, first of all you had a grand time on Saturday and the Bull and Oyster party, only to find out that there be comments made behind your back,fair enough to be p'd off, but then you were a touch p'd that night anyway. I have long past given up the right to be mad at anyone do to the effects of Ethanol on either them or me.

    Then on old loon gives you problems about being kilted, someone else stands up for you, and she persists in calling you a "sissy", but you you still got a guy swinging away for you. I would think the only woman in that room who could make any comments one way or the other, is wearing your wedding band.

    The lady at the restaurant, well some folk just don't have a clue. If their braincells were matches, they'd still freeze to death. So ail in all lets see;

    Saturday great time, good food, good beer, go home feeling great 4 for Frank.

    Sunday at church, loony lady say she thinks you look like a sissy, guy defends you and keeps defending you. 1 for idiocy and 2 for Frank.

    Later that day, nice comment at the restaurant, one lady without a clue 1 on both sides.

    Find out that "people talked about" you at the FOP actually I think this is a plus on your behalf. Give it 2 more for Frank. Total score? Frank 9 other team 2. You win.

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