21st February 09, 07:47 AM
grief and loss
I've been seeing a lot of threads regarding grief and loss lately, I am certainly sorry to see. I am a grief counselor at a hospice in my state, and as of recently I have a weekly newspaper column regarding the topic, where I discuss ways of dealing with loss (as well as other things). I wondered if anyone would be interested in reading it if I post my submissions on here?
21st February 09, 08:56 AM
Perhaps you could add a link to your latest column each week in your signature line with a discription "Dealing with Grief and Loss" (or whatever your column is titled)
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
21st February 09, 10:00 AM
I believe that while few of us have met and lifted a glass, many see the forum a place where we can be ourselves. Our society has for a large part walled each other off from what used to be known as community.
Too many places throw the rules of common courtesy out the window and a free fore all ensues. I think it is a high complement to the mods and member of the forum that so many of us feel free to ask for help; from what ever source it may be needed.
In the short time I have been on the forum, I have seen people ask and get help on all manners of things; from an emergency sporran, to congratulations about life changing events; enlistment, graduation, engagements, marriages, births and deaths. In a real sense this is a community, and a damn fine one!
21st February 09, 03:56 PM
I'll second the motion for a link to your column. As a volunteer chaplain I'm always on the lookout for sites that have info on the issue I can refer to.
21st February 09, 04:38 PM
I think it very kind of you to make such an offer. The idea of a link is a fine one. This truly is a wonderful community we are a part. In this day an age it is sad how so many have lost what it means to simply lend a hand to help another without asking for anything in return. It is nice to know others out there still follow the old code. We must make certain to make changes for the better, for the present and all future generations. Their is always hope and we can all do our part to make the change a reality. OK I'll stop now.
21st February 09, 04:46 PM
I'm a new volunteer at a local hospice, and I've almost completed my Palliative Care training. I think it would be a great resource for us to be able to tap into your column on a regular basis. I makes no difference to me if we access your column on or through XMarks... as long as we can access it. If it doesn't fly here, please give me the link and I will read it regularly.
"Durum Patientia Frango" (By patience I break what is hard) Clan Muir Muir motto
"Do well, and let them say - Gordon!"
"I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members" My hero, Groucho Marx
21st February 09, 07:54 PM
I am always both proud and humbled by the generosity, compassion, and kindness shown on this forum.
22nd February 09, 07:14 AM
Improv: I was a volunteer at my Hospice for 5 years before becoming paid staff. Being new to the organization, I'm not sure you yet comprehend the impact you will have on others . Anyway. You can't access my articles online without a subscription to the newspaper, so I think I can just create a livejournal account and post it in there instead. Additionally. If anyone ever has any specific questions, or topics they would like to see in these articles please let me know. I agreed to write the articles to help people, not to hear myself talk. I definitely do not have all the answers, but I have wonderful resources at my disposal that I am glad to share!
22nd February 09, 07:29 AM
Ok folks. I created a livejournal account that I will post my weekly articles in. Please feel free to leave comments in there, and make suggestions for topics you'd like to see talked about. This is my attempt to better serve my communities, so as always...let me know how I can best do that.
Here's my account, and I'll add it to my sig
22nd February 09, 11:53 AM
 Originally Posted by JamieKerr
Ok folks. I created a livejournal account that I will post my weekly articles in. Please feel free to leave comments in there, and make suggestions for topics you'd like to see talked about. This is my attempt to better serve my communities, so as always...let me know how I can best do that.
Here's my account, and I'll add it to my sig
Thank you.
Ferret ad astra virtus
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