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  1. #1
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    Need some specific info. re. U.S. military

    I'm hoping that maybe one of our U.S. military XMTS members can field this question... If you're actively in the service or a recent veteran, any help would be much appreciated. (If you're not .mil but still definitely know the answers to my questions, your input is quite welcome too).

    I'm currently working on an MBA and I'm writing a paper for my Business Law course. I need to examine the systems that are in place governing defense contracts as they relate to cost and quality assurance.

    I think I have a good foundation of info, but there are a few things that I'm still unclear on (maybe because I'm Canadian -- not American) but this shouldn't be too hard to answer...

    Specifically, what is the relationship between the DCMA and the DLA? I know that DCMA oversees the contract management and reports to the Undersecretary of Defense (Aquisition, Technology and Logistics) whereas the DLA takes care of the actual purchasing (and stockpiling) and report to the Undersecretary of Defense (Logistics & Material Readiness). I also know that the DLA Director also sits on the Board of Directors for the DCMA...

    What I DON'T know is -- a) why the DLA and DCMA are separate agencies and b) what interactions they have between each other, and how the chain of command is structured so that if there are problems or issues regarding cost or quality for any given product (provided by a specific contractor), how these issues are addressed, and how solutions move up through the hierarchy.

    Also, please note: I am only looking for serious, qualified answers in this thread. If you don't know what I'm talking about, have a funny remark, want to tell a story (unless it's directly related to my questions), I kindly ask that you courteously refrain from posting.

    Please & thank you!


  2. #2
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    Don't know if this is any help but, the Defence Personnel Support Center in Philadelphia handles most of the quality control and developement for the U.S. Military in regards to personal equipment and clothing. Contacting them might provide you with the info you require. Good luck.

  3. #3
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    Thanks, Bigkahuna. DSCP is a branch off the DLA. I imagine there are several levels of quality control and this may be one of them. Their website has a cool little 8-min. video about them that I'm watching right now.

    It's a start!

  4. #4
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    The quick answer is that one deals with the contracts and the other deals with the purchase and transportation. The US government can't have one agency do a job when they can split it between two.

    I am a food inspector for the Army and as such we are the DOD Executive Agency for food safety and quality control. The quality control aspect is losing emphasis as we move more toward food defense and the food safety. It all still comes down to contractual requirements. I was a quality auditor for 3 years doing end item audits of food products. Now we are focusing more on quality system audits and leaving the destructive testing to the company.

    The specifications for a product are determined by their end use and what the oganization needs to attain that end result. Things are tested at NATICK and if approved for military use then a working group will determine what quality assurance requirements are needed. There are provisions for cost adjustments and penalties for quality variations, late deliveries, or cost over runs in every contract. Theoretically, inspection reports are used to track each contractor's quality history and that history along with the contract bid is used to determine who gets awarded the contract.

    I think this hit most of what you asked. If you want any additional information let me know and I'll see what references I can find.

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  5. #5
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    Thanks a bunch, Tony. That did indeed help. I think I got my paper pretty much wrapped up. It was a real grind -- I wrote just over 10 pages, 4-letter acronyms at a time... heh. I don't think I want to ever see another acronym. Speaking of which, just to throw another wrench into it all, I had to include some info about the DCAA as well.

    I love this forum. I knew that if I waited a bit I'd find someone who works (or worked) in that particular field.


    P.S. To whoever is interested, here's a really cool paper that was presented at a conference some years ago. It's arguing in favor of the DoD that they actually may know what they are doing when they buy things (and not just pay $800 for toilet seats)...

    It talks about purchasing mules and horses during the Civil War and how the cost of the more expensive animal was justified.

  6. #6
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    My wife works for a defense contractor dealing with logistics issues. I don't know if she can help, but I'll pass your questions along to her.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSp8 View Post
    The quick answer is that one deals with the contracts and the other deals with the purchase and transportation. The US government can't have one agency do a job when they can split it between two.
    In the management control arena, this is also called separation of duties. By having different people deal with different parts of the process, you reduce the opportunity for fraudulent deals getting through the system. Mind you, it can still happen, but it is reduced. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of proper separation is a reduction in efficiency, but you can't have everything.
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