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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    St. Patrick's Day Traditions

    So me and my group will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary pub crawl this St. Patrick's day. There are some traditions that started many years ago, that we continue to maintain to this day.

    1st- We usually meet at a bar in Tempe called 4 Peaks at 6:00am to get a free t-shirt and raise a toast to the day (unfortunately they don't open till 7:00 am this year, so we might change the 6:00am location)

    2nd- We always head back to someone's house and watch "The Quiet Man" with John Wayne. (This allows for everyone that didn't want to get up early for the 6:00am toast to catch up with us)

    3rd- (This one is a bit odd) There is a wall between two of the bars that we visit every year, that people always have to stop to empty their bladders.

    4th- We always attempt to get into Maloney's (a bar) for free, but they never let us. We have usually about 30-50 people in our group and we just want to stay for one pint and move on. They still want to charge us 10-15 dollars each to come in for one pint. We always try though, and they always say no. Everywhere else waves the cover charge, but Maloneys (Men Only's) never does.

    So what normal or not so normal traditions do all of you perform every St. Patrick's day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Well, nothing so ritualize as yours, but we used to go to Bennigan's for corned beef and cabbage. I am usually in the parade here on the Saturday receeding St Pat's Day. My group has a rather large feast at one home or another, and we dine on Virgi's fantastic Guinness soaked corned beef. We are a Scottish clan, so there is no shortage of single malt... That's about it really!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Well, my mother and step father always had a substantial Scotch/Irish celebration around the seventeenth. This included a piper piping.

    They no longer throw the wingding since 06, so nothing much really happens. My mother might come over and we have dinner or something like that.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    St. Patrick's Day has become more of a family celebration in recent years.

    Yes, I did have many years where I would go from bar to bar trying to set records for consumption of Guinness and Bushmills. (Ahhh the memories - only half of which I can remember!)

    Now we celebrate at the In-laws! My mother-in-law, Patricia, was born in Dublin on St. Patty's day so we celebrate her birthday. The corned beef & cabbage (New England Boiled Dinner) washed down with just a Guinness or two.

  5. #5
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    These are relatively new traditions, but they've been consistent for a few years now:

    -Shower beer. Nothing goes together as well as Irish Spring and Killians Red.
    -6 am piping. The "Irish" pub in Beloit opens at 6:00am on the 17th, and I've been piping there. This year there'll be a news crew!
    -Happy Hour session. Usually around 4:30 my friends get together for a few tunes to sober (?) us up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted in Maine View Post
    My mother-in-law, Patricia, was born in Dublin on St. Patty's day so we celebrate her birthday.
    She might be "St. Patty", but the old Irish saint is St. Patrick (Paddy, if you knew him personally!)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by beloitpiper View Post
    She might be "St. Patty", but the old Irish saint is St. Patrick (Paddy, if you knew him personally!)
    I know - my wit apparently didn't come through!

  7. #7
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    oooOOOoooo... Hahaha, I guess I got the joke and didn't even realize it!

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