from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Welcome from Fort Worth! Dean
Fac Et Spera!
from Chicago. My sister lives in the Quad Cities area. Where are you?
Animo non astutia
Welcome from the snowy Norway! Skål!
[U]Oddern[/U] Kilted Norwegian [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""]Facebook[/URL]
from Charlotte, NC
from Detroit, Michigan, USA!
[B]Paul Murray[/B] Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
, from Bryan/College Station
Kilted Elder Chaplain & Charter Member, The Clan MacMillan Society of Texas [12 June 2007] Member, Clan MacMillan International [2005]
Welcome from Michigan and another driver!
Welcome from the San Francisco Bay Area!
Welcome to X-Marks - from Music City, USA (Nashville)
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