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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post

    I hate to correct you, but the regiment in question in the Sharpe series was the 95th Rifles, not an Irish one. Irish regiments of the line would have worn the traditional red coat of the Napoleonic era.

    The 95th Regiment of Foot became the Rifle Brigade in 1816.

    The "baldric" that Sean Bean/Sharpe is wearing the photo is actually a "pouch-belt" particular to officers in rifle regiments, such as the aforementioned Rifle Brigade, the KRRC, Gurkhas, etc. The whistle is particular to rifle & light infantry units, as neither had drums as a form of battlefield communication.


    Hi Todd,

    I bow to you superior knowledge in this respect. I have never watched the series, Sean Bean not being one of my favourite actors.

    The point of my posting was this. The Ministry of Defence has always been willing to assist television and film production companies providing the funds are forthcoming. They provide technical expertise; muzzle loading gun crews; any amount of soldiers and of course military and pipe bands amongst other skills. They have even lent warships for filming purposes. There was an acrimonious dispute, between the MoD and the 'Sharpe' production company. So much so that the production company tried to sue the MoD for breach of contract. It was never resolved. The Mod withdrew all support and contact. The upshot was that 'Sharpe's' uniform, and I believe all the major players' uniforms, are inaccurate or modified or altered in every respect. At a glance they all look correct, but in fact all the dimensions and colours and shapes and number and everything is in fact not as an original would be. It might be only a millimetre or a fraction of an inch, or the direction of the twist of the cord, but nothing was 'right'. There are even special uniforms for close-up shots.

    That is why, I said that no-one should spend alot of money based on that photograph.



  2. #22
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    The reason I asked about the proposed jacket, it that it would seem to me that you could just as easily wear a Sam Browne under your jacket as you could a baldric over your jacket, and a USMC Sam Browne would probably be easier to obtain.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    The reason I asked about the proposed jacket, it that it would seem to me that you could just as easily wear a Sam Browne under your jacket as you could a baldric over your jacket, and a USMC Sam Browne would probably be easier to obtain.
    Actually that's a pretty good idea. I'm definitely adding this option to the list, thank you.

  4. #24
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    Try Highland Brigade.com . They have a selection of different Scottish Regimental sword belts that should work very well with your sword. Good Luck.

  5. #25
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    another option

    If you are not totally sold on a Baldric you might try a dedicated sword belt like here: http://www.marlowwhite.com/cgi-bin/c...&search=action

    Then you know that the scabbard will work with the belt. I could not find a Marine specific belt on there but I would suppose that it would be the same as either your sister service in the DoN or the other ground branch

    --one of your friendly local "Marine Taxidrivers" who is dreaming of getting a cutlass ith:

  6. #26
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    The frog for the NCO Sword is sized to fit up to a 1-3/4" belt. Standard waist plate style kilt belts are usually 2-1/4" or larger. However, you could have a kilt belt made to fit the frog or even have a new frog made to fit a standard kilt belt.

  7. #27
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    Just search "Cross belt". Any pipe band supplier will have them.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Here's a pretty good baldric at a reasonably price. You could have it in a few days.

    I could have it tomorrow since the place is about 2 miles from my house!


    Last edited by thescot; 10th March 09 at 09:52 PM.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

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