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  1. #11
    Join Date
    25th January 09
    Denver, Colorado USA
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    I wear my hose like I wear dress socks with slacks. I match the socks/hose with the slacks/kilt. Then the shirt coordinates with the kilt as well. I have far more colors of shirts than hose. So blue, gree, black or cream hose and any solid(ish) shirt that matches colors in the kilt.
    Clans MacDonald & MacKay
    In the Highlands of Colorado.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    7th October 07
    Haverford, Pennsylvania, USA
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    A. I use an eyeball rule and a reverse judgment.
    That is, if the shirt and hose (and tartan) don’t appear mismatched, then they match well enough for my purposes.

    B. Or, I ask a lass for her advice, and take it.
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]

  3. #13
    Join Date
    7th March 09
    United States
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    Matching color

    Because the eye cannot see both at the same time not many would notice a slight difference.
    Quote Originally Posted by kilty View Post
    So far, I've closely matched the colour of my hose and shirt. Is this necessary? What are the guides for matching colours?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    19th August 05
    Northeast Ohio
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    I tend to match the outermost garment (excluding outer winter coats, etc) I'm wearing. For instance, if I'm wearing a polo shirt with the kilt in warm weather, I tend to match the hose to the shirt. However, if I'm wearing a tweed Argyll jacket or just a waistcoat without the jacket, I tend to match the hose to the jacket or waistcoat. I do this too, with the black Argyll in the evening. When I wear my black Argyll in the day, I usually wear silvery grey hose.

    I'm not sure theres a wrong way to select the colour of hose you intend to wear with an outfit, so long as the overall look works. That being said, you would do well to stay away from stark white kilt hose!

    Mark O - Ohio

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