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  1. #41
    Join Date
    24th March 08
    the Highlands of Central Oregon
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    I haven't been following this thread closely but I would point out that there is a big difference between expressing "doubt" about a cheap (and usually cheaply made) product and expressing disdain for the poor feller compelled by necessity to wear that product.

    Too often we tend to defend things that are not of our own making...just because we own them have access to them. That's kind of nonsensical, in my opinion. If I buy one of those cheap sporrans with the chromed tin cantle...why would I feel like I'm responsible for its construction or quality? Why would I defend it as if it were a cherished offspring of my own blood?

    This may or may not apply in this thread but I've seen that misplaced defensiveness in too many places...both here and afar.
    DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
    In the Highlands of Central Oregon

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Can't I just get a pair of soccer socks and paint little white squares on the top to look like diced hose.......

    Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post
    This may or may not apply in this thread but I've seen that misplaced defensiveness in too many places...both here and afar.
    Excellent point!!!!

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    I'd be interested in seeing pics and a detailed review, I do like the idea of Black and Red Diced Hose.
    If I run into Zardoz today at the St. Andrews Episcopal Church Celtic Festival (which is likely), I'll ask if he or his better half will snap a shot for me. The hose are quite comfortable as I have them on right now with my MacIntyre Hunting Modern kilt; although, I bought them ideally to be worn with my MacGregor kilt. It's chilly today, too, so I am taking my laird's...I mean day plaid, too, just in case.

  4. #44
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    Hand knit dice hose

    Did you find your supplier of diced kilt hose?
    Quote Originally Posted by 1MUNK3 View Post
    Hello everyone,
    I'm in search of a reputable supplier of diced kilt hose, specifically green and red, that will not kill me financially and isn't utter crrrrrap. I know J.Higgins sells them for $60, but how are they ? Anyone out there have any experience with them ? Anyone have any other suggestions ? I'm even willing to go the used route provided they are not on their last leg . Thanks in advance. And yes, I did do a search ,but I'm looking for current info. Again, Thank you.
    Yours Aye,

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Just for the record, Higgins no longer sells the low priced tartan or diced hose that they used to, presumably because of issues with long term quality and satisfaction. Unfortunately their old web site that included those hose still shows up when you do a search.

  6. #46
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    Did you find any yet?
    Quote Originally Posted by gilmore View Post
    I would not recommend the merchant you mention, unless you plan on wearing them only once every five years or so, and then only at night to places that are dimly lit.

  7. #47
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    Well Cajunscot, where is the review?

    We are waiting!!!!!

  8. #48
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    Look for hose again

    Diced are nice, and so are Argyles
    Quote Originally Posted by 1MUNK3 View Post
    Hello everyone,
    I'm in search of a reputable supplier of diced kilt hose, specifically green and red, that will not kill me financially and isn't utter crrrrrap. I know J.Higgins sells them for $60, but how are they ? Anyone out there have any experience with them ? Anyone have any other suggestions ? I'm even willing to go the used route provided they are not on their last leg . Thanks in advance. And yes, I did do a search ,but I'm looking for current info. Again, Thank you.
    Yours Aye,

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