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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    ... and if he does, I am not too sure how to operate an iron! ...
    Come on Jock? An old soldier like you, I very much doubt that.

    I wouldn't risk such a precious thing myself. Some busy-body will square it away in the name of planet saving I'm sure, in spite of the fact your particular seal has been separated from his overcoat for a century or more.

    Lots of generous X Markers on here though eh?

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    The issue of sealskin sporrans has been discussed here in at least one, if not two or more threads. One of the members here is with US customs. The info he gave, as I recall it, was that not all seals are endangered, thus some sealskin sporrans are quite legally imported into the US. However, most customs inspectors probably can't spot the difference on site. I don't remember any discussion of the date of the sporran having a bearing, but it may have. If you use the search feature, you can probably locate the thread(s).

    Hope you have an enjoyable trip to our shores. Have you thought of a kilt night of X Marks members at the locale you are visiting? I am sure quite a few would like to meet and welcome you.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgeblack7 View Post
    Toronto is not in the USA McMurdo
    I am well aware that Toronto is not in the USA even though most of the residents of your fair state are in fact Canadians at this time of the year. I was merely trying to help out a fellow member of the forum. Now as to what I said what part of it do you take issue with? It should not matter what part of the world I'm in as I am well aware of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, thus I have, as already stated an alternative to my Sealskin sporran in the event of travel as your fair country is within a two hour drive.

  4. #24
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    When I came back from Britain in 2008 with a sealskin sporran the US Customs folks didn't care. That doesn't mean that it's allowed, but I'm just sharing what happened to me.

    I'll have to look, but I'm pretty sure that the regulation mentioned above has either expired or has exceptions that will allow for some kinds of sealskin.

    Also, check here
    Last edited by McMurdo; 16th March 09 at 05:10 AM. Reason: linked to original thread here, not from outside source.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Come on Jock? An old soldier like you, I very much doubt that.

    I wouldn't risk such a precious thing myself. Some busy-body will square it away in the name of planet saving I'm sure, in spite of the fact your particular seal has been separated from his overcoat for a century or more.

    Lots of generous X Markers on here though eh?
    Ssshhhh! You will blow my cover with my wife! I might have to remember how to iron again! I did have a "man" to do most of my ironing in the army though.

    You are quite right, I think my sporran will stay at home. Oh well, I suppose I will just have to buy a new one,ho hum.--------it won't look right though all this new business just ----well -------just-------won't --------look -------well-------um-------right--------will it? Well not for a 100years at least!

    Again, you are quite right in pointing out how generous people are. We in this country will never forget how generous North America has been to our country, and it is great to see that the tradition is continuing! So, if this trip of mine leaves the planning stage I would love to meet up with you Xmarkers "somewhere" in the USA.

  6. #26
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    Good call on leaving it at home. I was flying once with a Mini-disc recording device and a very small shotgun style mic and one way it was fine, but coming back, same route same airports, I was ushered into a small waiting room and asked to explain. Best not to tempt fate.

  7. #27
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    Jock, I doubt seriously that you would encounter any problems, BUT YOU MIGHT! So leave it at home. Take no chances that it might be taken.

    If you are coming to my part of the US, I will loan you a sporran for as long as you like. It won't measure up to your seal skin by any means, but it'll work and be safe. It's white with black tassels (probably rabbit), and you can see it beow.

    In fact, even if you aren't coming to my part of the country, if you will tell me in advance, I'll ship mine to you for your use and you can send it back by reuturn post.

    Heck, I'll buy a new one and loan it to you if it'll help you out.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  8. #28
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    If you're thinking of a new sporran, you might consider having Turpin make you a Thorfinn fur sporran or order a Ferguson Britt fur sporran from Matt Newsome. Either one could arrange to have it delivered to you at the heretofore undisclosed location of the wedding. I have a fur sporran from each and think they are great!
    Animo non astutia

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by svc40bt View Post
    Hopefully our resident customs expert, Wompet, will chime in on this one.
    Sorry I'm late to this thread - I haven't logged in for a couple of days. But now that I'm here ~

    Quote Originally Posted by Fougasse View Post
    I may be wrong, and stand to be corrected by those more knowledgeable, but I believe the restriction on sealskin import relates to trade goods rather than personal goods. I certainly never thought twice about packing my sealskin sporran when moving from Japan to USA.
    Having discussed this more than once with our senior local USFWS inspector, I can tell you that personal importations are prohibited.

    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    ... unless you can prove that the sporran is a certain vintage, and I'm not sure how old it has to be to be able to get a pass, I think it must be at least older than the Marine Mammals Protection Act, that was enacted on October 21, 1972...
    This might be the exception to what I said above - USFWS did mention the exemption for ivory on heirloom bagpipes. Whether something similar would apply to sealskin
    I should be seeing her in the next couple of days, and I'll make a point to ask.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Thank you everyone for the advice given. McMurdo you have hit the problem right on the button. My sporran has silver as part of it construction and has hall marks, I think, dating to 1897 and was made by Hamilton and Inches,
    Given that, you would qualify for a 'heritage' exemption - if there is one. Again, I'll ask.
    so I think you can see why I would not want some jumped up, jobs worth, official (sorry Wompet, not you!!!) getting things wrong.
    No offense taken, Jock - I know my co-workers much better than you do.

    And, may I also offer the use of the Thorfinn full-mask woodchuck sporran for wear at the wedding, if you cannot bring your own sporran?
    Last edited by Wompet; 16th March 09 at 05:26 PM.

  10. #30
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    The question has mostly been answered, so as to how get your sporran back- I often challenge my son to a duel. We both study shotokan karate and weapons combat. A good beating with a Nerf foan sword never did any child any (irreperable) harm.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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