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  1. #181
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    I don't know, Trefor - those new "locality" subforums should make it easier for newer folks to find kilt nights/gatherings/groups nearby. There have been a couple of times when I've seen a thread "Kilt Night at O'Xxxxxx's 3/20", and I've thought "Well, I have that night free and O'Xxxxxx's is a nice place - I should go", only to open the thread and find out that this is a different O'Xxxxxx's than I was thinking of, in a completely different state.
    My apologies for that ridiculously long run-on sentence.
    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Unfortunately, up until reading this thread, I hadn't realised that X Marks is a street of many shops rather than the Super-Mall I had taken it for.
    Instead of a street of shops, think of it as an enclosed marketplace. There are hose shops and kilt shops, weavers and smiths, restaurants and pubs, and kilts galore. You may come in looking for a kiltmaker, but he's on the far side of the bazaar. On the way there you'll encounter Alex's tours of the Borders; Pour1Malt sampling some whisky; a couple of gentlemen in their kilted finest discussing white-tie dress; Panache strutting in the center of the marketplace, thrilling the crowd with a tale while keeping a watchful eye on them at the same time; Barb T. and a Wizard deep in discussion while sewing kilts; Mike1 retired in quiet corner, with his mace still at his side; two groups playing tug-o-war using a pair of white hose; and the odd talking dog trotting by with a man wearing a rubber chicken for a sporran.
    There are those who go straight to the shop they're looking for, and some who get offended when the other shoppers jostle or bump into them (it can be a little crowded in here).
    And there are those who say, "Well, I came in looking for this, but let's see what's new today." They amble through, stopping when something catches their interest, moving along when they see something not to their liking.
    There's room enough for everyone. Just mind your elbows and watch your step - the kilted alpaca isn't housebroken.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Eh up?

    I love being a part of X Marks. I'm still new compared to most so please appreciate, I haven't yet grasped the importance of the Sub Forum. I just thought we were a world-wide group of Blokes and Blokess's with a common interest in Kilts. ..............
    Very nice. And your insight, thoughts, position and viewpoint are, as they are from all, appreciated and valued. No need to disagree with your point of view.........it's your point of view. And a nice one. I wouldn't consider posting less frequently simply because your posts may not solicit complete unwavering agreement from the rabble herein. That won't happen.

    Shabbat Shalom,
    Clans MacDonald & MacKay
    In the Highlands of Colorado.

  3. #183
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet View Post
    I don't know, Trefor - those new "locality" subforums should make it easier for newer folks to find kilt nights/gatherings/groups nearby. There have been a couple of times when I've seen a thread "Kilt Night at O'Xxxxxx's 3/20", and I've thought "Well, I have that night free and O'Xxxxxx's is a nice place - I should go", only to open the thread and find out that this is a different O'Xxxxxx's than I was thinking of, in a completely different state.
    My apologies for that ridiculously long run-on sentence.
    No apologies necessary!

    I could understand it if it was something like Starbucks or McDonalds or a chain of Pubs that insist on having the same name. But thread titles usually drop some kind of hint and besides which we now have an event sub forum where all information can be found in the one place. Under the new sub forum structure you wouldn't find SOKS info in the NY sub forum but in the Ontario one yet for you this is I think the closest regular gathering and there could be others in Michigan in the Detroit area for whom this could be of interest for example.

    And it adds considerably to the list of forums containing new posts to scroll through and decide what to read.

    Also some might just introduce themselves purely in their local sub forum and miss out on being met and greeted by members as a whole.

    They also bear no relation to the X marker population therein. Europe has been lumped together as one entity seemingly when it is many countries (including the land after which this forum is named ) and whereas I wouldn't want Wales to have it's own sub forum (for about 3 of us!) it does seem disproportionate that Europe has one sub forum, the same as Rhode Island. Yes I know that's how your Senate representation works but it's now how the Canadian Parliament or the UK Parliament or the European Parliament works.

    I also think that members like reading what X Markers from all over the place have to say and I fear that this might be diminished by potentially interesting material being confined to a sub forum.
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

    Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
    (Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by GDub View Post
    When I'm considering a new kilt, I want to see it being worn, so I would like to see the "Photo Gallery" improved. In it's present state it only functions well with recent uploads and albums. It should have a sections like "Tartans", "Contemporary", "Accessories"... etc. that can be easily searched. Keywords should be required to post. In "Tartans," for example, --"Gordon Modern, wool", "American Heritage, PV"... etc. Drop menus could be added for fabric types and weights, and styles.
    Yes! I agree with Gdub... I would like to be able to search keywords for a particular tartan and see photos of that tartan...

    I also would like to see an additional field on the members profile that would allow the members to add what their clan affiliation is and if none, what tartan they wear. I search for Davidson and not too much comes up, but I know their are several Davidson's out their. I created a Davidson Group, but alas, no one but I lurk there.

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac Daibhidh View Post
    Yes! I agree with Gdub... I would like to be able to search keywords for a particular tartan and see photos of that tartan...

    I also would like to see an additional field on the members profile that would allow the members to add what their clan affiliation is and if none, what tartan they wear. I search for Davidson and not too much comes up, but I know their are several Davidson's out their. I created a Davidson Group, but alas, no one but I lurk there.

    I see you have a link to your social group in your signature. That's an interesting idea.

    I also noticed that you are the only member of that social group. Perhaps, if you haven't already done this, you could keep an eye out for user names that relate to Davidson, then send invitations to join your social group.

    Did you start a thread anouncing that you were interested in Davidson tartan photos, and that you also have a social group if anyone wanted to join?

    Just a thought.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  6. #186
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    How about a charity? For example, set up a paypal account and open up donations for a whole year. At the end of the year, donate the proceeds to a charity
    Another idea would be to auction off items like kilts and accessories that members could bid on and add those proceeds to the yearly account.
    There are all kinds of ways to hold charities. I also think that would help to galvanize Xmarks into something more. Not only would we educate but we could also be helping folks in need in a real way.

  7. #187
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    oh, and one more suggestion... for those of us who are mobile... I'm not sure how much work is involved or if it is just too difficult, but it would be nice to have a mobile version of the forum. this way it re-formats to our mobile devices (blackberries, iphones, etc.)

    just would make it a lot easier to read as i do pop in regularly on my blackberry to see whats happening with the rabble.

  8. #188
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    1 - Can the Tartans & Heraldry forum be split into two. They really have nothing in common. If we are going to have a Heraldry forum then it should be done properly. A couple of 'stickies' of basic heraldry and Dos and Don'ts. Discussions of Clan Crest Badges and eagle feathers and of course the difference between a crest and a shield and a coat of arms. All discussions of Tartan - which and what and where, should be in a Tartan forum on its own.

    2 - Can it please be made compulsory for posters to put in their location - what have they got to hide. If people are allergic to telling us which town/city they come from, then how about just a State. At times I would be happy with just seeing 'USA' in the location box.

    3 - Can the Mods please shut down all threads that are over 1 year old and have had no further postings in that time. If the original poster has a final report or observation or follow-up then it could be PM'ed to a Mod and they could add it to the closed thread. We get too many threads that are 2, 3 years old and get rehashed and re-warmed. It really is no good giving advice now, to someone about an event that happened over a year ago. This is also important in the Sales and Want Ads forums. I would suggest a time limit of 2 months max for these. Far better that they get re-posted so that they are fresh in the reader's eye.

    4 - Mods, is it possible to change the wording from 'Moved' - it conveys a totally wrong impression. If the thread is 'Holding, pending discussion by Mods' then say so. If the thread has been 'Removed', that should be said and the reason why should also be said. We know how to drive, but there are still road signs reminding us of the speed limit. There is nothing wrong with a 'road sign' saying that a thread has been removed because it has transgressed one of the forum rules. It sets a good 'tone' for newbies. After all there are fora out there where 'anything goes' and 'Justice should be seen to be done'.



  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    4 - Mods, is it possible to change the wording from 'Moved' - it conveys a totally wrong impression. If the thread is 'Holding, pending discussion by Mods' then say so. If the thread has been 'Removed', that should be said and the reason why should also be said. We know how to drive, but there are still road signs reminding us of the speed limit. There is nothing wrong with a 'road sign' saying that a thread has been removed because it has transgressed one of the forum rules. It sets a good 'tone' for newbies. After all there are fora out there where 'anything goes' and 'Justice should be seen to be done'.

    I can answer this 4th suggestion right off the bat.

    When I moderator moves a thread in generates an automatic PM to the original poster stating the thread has been moved. We try our best to follow that up with either

    (a) A post in the thread saying something like "moved to Kilt Accessory Forum"

    (b) a second PM to the OP explaining what is going on.

    So what you are suggesting is that we turn off the auto message and hope that each time we move a thread we have time to send a personalized message to the OP. This isn't a bad idea but speaking as a Moderator there have been times when I have to leave in 2 minutes to pick someone up and suddenly a thread turns bad.

    I like the fact the the auto message at least explains to the OP that something has happened to the thread.

    Just trying to show what the view looks like from the staff side of things.

    As for your first thought I think that separate sub forums for tartans and heraldry is a good idea.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post

    2 - Can it please be made compulsory for posters to put in their location - what have they got to hide. If people are allergic to telling us which town/city they come from, then how about just a State. At times I would be happy with just seeing 'USA' in the location box.

    Why not make everyone sign up using their real names while we are at it. Same thing no? Why some people push mandatory location but have no issues with naughtykiltlifter200987547 is highly amusing to me and to be honest what purpose would it serve? people provide as much or as little details as they want to.


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