The default answer is "more yardage, heavier weight" but there are trade-offs.
For a 4 yard box-pleat, 16 ounce is almost required, I think a 5 yard would work well with 13 or 16 ounce.
If I recall correctly, the American Heritage comes in 13 oz. A 5 yard would be nice, and an 8 yard would be killer! but you'd probably get more use from a 5 yard.
I have worn an 8 yard, 13 oz in August---recall that I'm at the same latitude and considerably less elevation than Atlanta. I wouldn't want to wear it outside all day, but going to church or out to lunch is fine.
Columbia SC: Famously Hot
Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
gainfully unemployed systems programmer