NOTE - If you live in WA state, we have another "alternative" We can get a "special Drivers Lic" that allows us to cross the boarder into Canada. BC also has one
Good call Puffer. For travel to and from Canada, you'll only need the special US passport Card which is cheaper and easier to get. It is only good for road travel, not air travel however.
Good call Puffer. For travel to and from Canada, you'll only need the special US passport Card which is cheaper and easier to get. It is only good for road travel, not air travel however.
That is a great idea, but my clerk of court refused to let me apply for it. Since I've not traveled overseas since I was a teenager I really didn't foresee the full thing.
I think really that was designed for people who live near the Canadian boarder and would likely cross back and forth into Canada on a regular basis (i.e. American commuting to work in Canada). Now I did get the passport in my home town and that could have something to do with it.
Let me add my congratulations along with all the others.
Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
Member, Royal Photographic Society