First off, welcome to X Marks. If you can't find the answers to all your questions here, you can at least find a congenial group willing to fake up any answer that will satisfy your mate and get you into a kilt. :mrgreen: And we will provide references to the relevant literature so you can show that you're not simply making this stuff up.
Secondly, Albany, eh? Cool. And I see someone from Lebanon. I grew up in Corvallis -- in fact if you listened to KOAC any time between 1981 and 1994 you probably heard my voice.
I get down there about once a month (Mum's in the Mennonite Home and my brother's in Salem). Maybe I should join the Oregon group as well as my membership in the BC group -- might be we could get up a kilt night and take in a nice dinner at Novak's or something. Hmmm...I dunno whether Hungarian food and kilts go together, but I'm open-minded.