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  1. #1
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    Dance coming up, Kilt or No?

    Really, I have two questions.

    #1. My orchestra is having our 12th annual community swing dance in a few weeks, and I'll have to be there. The first half will be spend in my tuxedo, our uniform, and is, sadly, non-negotiable. However, after we play, We're allowed to change for the actual dance part. My question is if I should wear my kilt for that? This isn't as much of a acceptability concern as simply a "has-anyone-else-ever-danced-swing-whilst-kilted" concern. Most dances, I'd wear a kilt to, but as swing dancing is a little faster, and can involve high speed rotation, I was thinking that a kilt may not fit best. I am, however leaning towards kilted, and I may not even be alone as I did invite the colorado X marksers to attend.

    #2. If I do wear a kilt, what should I wear with it? The event isn't formal, though it'd be pretty hard to overdress for it, so (mostly) anything goes. The only requirement is that we look nice. I have a (currently buttonless) PC conversion, my tux jacket (which would already be there), and any nice buttonups I have, notably a nice black one which seems like it would go well with the kilt.

    Just asking for opinions here. How would you go?

  2. #2
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    I would absolutley wear i kilt. Just remember to have something under it when you do those fast spins.

    Dress like most other people do. For very formal the PC is a good option. You can't find a better look than a PC. Personally I just go with a comfortable shirt if I'm going to dance. This is just because it can be very warm when you swing around, and I hate to sweat during the dance.

  3. #3
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    Definitely a kilt.
    Long before I became a regular kilt wearer I would wear a kilt to Scottish Country Dancing.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  4. #4
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    I second the need for skiivies in this circumstance. Wear what you feel is appropriate for the event, and in my opinion enjoy yourself but show some restraint in your dance moves... LOL keep them guessing... It sounds like a very special night, and I hope you have a very good time with your fellow X Marks Rabble.
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
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  5. #5
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    I agree 100% with SnowBear, Kilted for sure and a good comfortable shirt.
    As far as something under the kilt, thats completely up to you! hehe! Have fun!
    I don't believe the idea is to arrive in heaven in a well preserved body! But to slide in side ways,Kilt A' Fly'n! Scream'en "Mon Wha A Ride" Kilted Santas
    4th Laird of Lochaber, Knights of St Andrew,Knight of The Double Eagle
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  6. #6
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    KILT UP!!!! And I third the opinion of wearing something underneath, don't need any embarrassing instances while showing off your moves!

  7. #7
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    Wear the kilt. I wouldn't worry too much about the spins and such. Wear a kilt pin on your kilt, but I think it's a man's own business what he wears under it.
    Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
    “KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by isantop View Post
    swing dancing is a little faster, and can involve high speed rotation
    Sounds like a perfect dance style for a kilt

  9. #9
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    The only really important question here is of course...

    East Coast or West Coast Swing?

    I and my lovely Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess love to WCS and I often wear a kilt when dancing. It certainly gives a bit extra flair to the man's turns!

    I tend to take my jacket off when swing dancing regardless of attire. I like a waistcoat, dress shirt, and tie. A hand tied bow tie that can be untied but left around the neck a la' David Bowie (Serious Moonlight Tour)

    Quote Originally Posted by george7 View Post
    Wear the kilt. I wouldn't worry too much about the spins and such. Wear a kilt pin on your kilt, but I think it's a man's own business what he wears under it.

    I disagree, if you go to a swing dance in a kilt it is your responsibility to ensure that Modesty is not forsaken.

    A standard convention of kilt wearing is that for vigorous physical activity like dancing or athletics one take precautions to remain modest (black boxers or briefs are usually recommended.


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  10. #10
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    Ya just gotta dance kilted. You'll love it - especially if you have a hand sewn wool kilt to wear. The pleat swing will be dazzling! You'll love the feel of it!

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

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