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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coinneach View Post
    Another alternative are LED "bulbs." There even more efficient and longer lasting than flourescents, but, for now, they're more expensve, too. I don't believe you need a hazmat suit when you clean one up, either.
    I've tried LED nightlights, none lasted very long at all.
    Also, aren't there temperatures below which LEDs won't work, for instance if you wanted them for your outdoor lights? Or is that CFLs?

    I've also looked into LEDs for lamps, etc, but my understanding is that they are not quite there as far as looking 'natural'.

    If you can recommend some good ones let me know.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    Wow wish I read this a few weeks ago when I broke one, swept it up and threw it out with the windows closed. I have to wonder how long I've got left on this mortal coil.
    Let me know when you shuffle off, I'll probably be following along shortly behind you. I broke one of those lights in my basement last fall and simply cleaned up the mess like I would with a regular bulb. What I thought was cool was how long the light stayed lit after I broke the curly part off. Must have been 10-15 seconds before it finally sputtered out.

    I'd love to know how well those bulbs will work outside in the cold of a Canadian winter. I have a stash of regular bulbs hidden away, just in case.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by McClef View Post
    And they put mercury in amalgam tooth fillings! :butt:
    Good point, my dentist has been removing some of my old amalgam fillings and replacing them... only for me to find out that you're exposed to the most problems from the mercury when it's being put in... or being taken out! Oh, well.

    CFL's might kill you, LED's may not last, Incandescents burn too much juice... aargh!

    Maybe I'll buy an LED booklight so I can read, and forget about any other lights indoors after dark.

  4. #14
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    I've heard of this miracle lighting option, available for many hours of the day. It's called "the sun".... 8)

  5. #15
    Dan R Porter is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Electricity was once considered the most dangerous thing and was unwelcomed by many.

  6. #16
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    I like to be eco-friendly when possible, but I'm also not stupid. Had to buy lightbulbs just the other day.

    1 fancy compact fluorescent whatchamacallit: ¥1200. (That's about $12 USD for some of you people).
    2 good old fashioned incandescents in a box: ¥200. (About $2.00 USD). Which do YOU think I bought?

    For the same reason, until they start making things like electric cars or eco-friendly items for prices that at least RESEMBLE reality, I might be more compelled to buy them.

  7. #17
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    Hmmm, I can usually find CFL's around here for about $1 each (still more expensive than incandescents, but not bad). My trouble is that they seem to burn out quickly. I'd heard that this has been an issue with some of them - apparently I bought all of the ones with the issue.


    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    I like to be eco-friendly when possible, but I'm also not stupid. Had to buy lightbulbs just the other day.

    1 fancy compact fluorescent whatchamacallit: ¥1200. (That's about $12 USD for some of you people).
    2 good old fashioned incandescents in a box: ¥200. (About $2.00 USD). Which do YOU think I bought?

    For the same reason, until they start making things like electric cars or eco-friendly items for prices that at least RESEMBLE reality, I might be more compelled to buy them.

  8. #18
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    Methinks I'm going to buy a couple cases of traffic signal bulbs. 8000-16,000 hours, as opposed to 750-3000 hours. Have a 169 watt bulb in a table lamp here in my room. Came out of a signal head that I got from the City of Bellevue, Washington (yes, legally), in 2002. Installed a LED module in 2004, and figured I'd reuse the bulb for the table lamp. It's still working. May be a bulb from last century.


  9. #19
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    Phasing out standard incand bulbs....phasing in CFs. Most of us have already heard about "how to 'clean up' a broken CF", but just wait until the asleep-at-the-wheels hear about it. The 911 calls are going to go up. Way up.

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