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  1. #31
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    Something I've noticed for some little while is that of culture exported from Scotland (TV shows, movies, etc), kilted men in less than highland dress are often portrayed as gay. Sad, I know, for me who is most definitely not gay and does not have highland dress to wear. Until I saw this thread, I wasn't even sure of it. And realizing this kind of helps to understand my family's unenthusiastic response (my mum, in particular, likes British TV drama).

    Hopefully this observation isn't out of place...


  2. #32
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    Some very interesting observations of yours, on what is considered as "traditional" kilt attire on this side of the pond. If I may say so, you are so right. The only thing I can take issue with you on, is the "button down shirt"-----now, that really is far, far too modern!

  3. #33
    thanmuwa is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by staticsan View Post
    Something I've noticed for some little while is that of culture exported from Scotland (TV shows, movies, etc), kilted men in less than highland dress are often portrayed as gay. Sad, I know, for me who is most definitely not gay and does not have highland dress to wear. Until I saw this thread, I wasn't even sure of it. And realizing this kind of helps to understand my family's unenthusiastic response (my mum, in particular, likes British TV drama).

    Hopefully this observation isn't out of place...

    Often anybody dressed smartly on TV is a gay character, doesn't matter if it is an Armani suit or a smart kilt..... there is even a program about it.... "Queer eye for a straight guy"

  4. #34
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    [QUOTE=The Unkilted Heathen;713229]Nighthawk. I've never considerd that it could be mistaken for a skirt.

    Jimmy. I understand where your comming from and I do notice the occasional look happens more when in my solid colour kilts than when in my tartan ones.
    In my little experiances people are curious to those that are differnt than they are doesn't matter if it's beacuse your like so many people here and prefer the kilt to trousers people want to know and want to know why. Personaly I prefer to live and let live

    However I posted this story not to start a great debate but to point out that it's not just our neighburs across the pond or elsewhere that are working to get kilts accepted as daily wear not reserved for weddings

    It would be great if wearing a kilt was universally accepted as daily wear, I wear the kilt fairly often but generally when I wear it there is usually some social event involved such as family gatherings, birthday parties, football and rugby matches, highland games and various other outdoor events.
    What I would like and I am sure other X-markers here in Scotland and abroad would just love to wear the kilt when they feel like it without being questioned on what is the occassion that you are wearing the kilt for.

    Its good that we have individuals like yourself that just want to wear it as daily wear plus not adhering to the traditional kilt. I believe that if we all done that often enough there would be more kilt wearers about.
    Perhaps the next time I casually visit a fast food establisment or just go to my local for a pint, I might just don the kilt more often

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by sathor View Post
    The last time I was at such a place, I was attacked with a shoe..
    I hope it wasn't a stiletto!

  6. #36
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    How do you know she thought you were gay b/c you were wearing a kilt, and not simply b/c your two guys eating dinner together?

  7. #37
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    Wow it's amazing how my little story has prompted so many opinions.
    I don't know the lassie myself but I think she was just curious or nosy.

    It does seem to be the consensus over here that your not wearing a kilt unless your wearing the full kit also which I think needs to be stamped out and that's what I'm trying to do by wearing my kilts when I can.

    Kilt on people
    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  8. #38
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    Good for you, Jordan!

    Did Garry say how she responded when he told her that he/you were not?
    Last edited by Galician; 29th April 09 at 08:18 AM. Reason: names!

  9. #39
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    You know I never acctualy asked what she said when Gary told here I was too busy laughin, Gary didn't take it quite as wel as I did
    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
    I hope it wasn't a stiletto!
    no no, they claimed I wasn't far enough from the stage and she thought i ripped her off for not proffering a tip. She was overaggressive, and I had just used the last of the money I had at the time. (Wasn't my money, but not the point.)

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