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  1. #11
    Join Date
    15th April 08
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tartan Shortbread Jock View Post
    At school every boy had to learn to play the bagpipes, I was 9 years old.
    I like most Scottish tunes, my fav must be Highland Cathedral.
    interestingly it was written by Germans......
    When did you take up the pipes and why, what is your fav tunes or what tune do you dislike.
    Looking forward to your thoughts.
    I began the pipes 3 years ago at 34. It was something that I had looked into every few years, and kept putting it off. As luck would have it I found an instructor very nearby-so hear I am.
    I still haven't masterd any jigs/strathspeys/reels but I am working on Paddy's leather breeches.
    I have to echo Steam Train to Mallaig as a favorite. Simply wonderful
    It doesn't need drums, IMHO

  2. #12
    Join Date
    22nd March 09
    Savannah, GA USA
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    I don't play now but did take up the practice chanter when I was about 10. I always loved the pipes, had lots of recordings, etc. then one day when visiting Grandparents in Dunedin Florida, we went into a store that specialized in things Scottish. They had a chanter and I went nuts for it and pestered my parents until they gave in... I did try to learn, but was on my own... couldn't find any instruction at home, etc. and the chanter gave way to soccer, guitar... girls... you know, the usual suspects. I do think about trying again all these years later, there's a good instructor here in town.

    Favorite tune... couldn't name just one, but I prefer above all listening to slow airs on a moonlit night.

  3. #13
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    I was at a Pioneer Day at a local museum 16 years ago. They had a blacksmith, chair weaver, a few sheep, candle-mking, all the usual 17th century skills you usually see at such events. There was an old-time string band, dulcimer players, and a 'piper (not together, by the way). He played a few tunes and took a break then struck in and played few more. I was a trombone player in the high school band, and thought to myself, "Self, you could do that." When he took another break I walked up to him and started asking questions about the 'pipes, which he answered, then he asked me, "So, how would you like to learn to play them?", to which I replied, "Sure!", and quoth he, "Then come up to the house Monday night at 6:30 and we'll get started," which I did. I stayed on the chanter for about a year, then bought my 'pipes and switched over to them. In the meantime, their children were born and "routine" for their fmily flew out the window, so I stopped going for lessons. I don't practice nearly as much as I should, and have not learned many tunes, but I've played several funerals and a few weddings, among other things, and people always want "Amazing Grace". If any of you are involved in my funeral (in 80 years), please DO NOT play "Amamzing Grace". I've come to hate the tune.
    I really like "PM J. K. Cairn", but have often thought it should begin as a pick-up on beat three, instead of on one.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  4. #14
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    I just started this past September at the age of 23. I have yet to pick up a song that I love or hate, but I really dislike burls... I assume as do many beginning pipers. But I wish I had the opportunity to start much sooner. Oh well... I'm doing it now and thats what matters.

  5. #15
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    I did take lessons at age 11 but gave them up, never should have, but then again I suppose one day I could pick them up again. As for favourite pipe tunes, I'd have to agree that Highland Cathedral is one of my favourites but then again so is Amazing Grace.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    I started taking lessons April 21, 2001. Got up on the pipes about 8 months later. Became interested waayyy back in 8th grade (about 13 years old) when I heard the school's new band director play his pipes for the Spring concert.

    Favorite tune to play? Hard to say, there are so many. To listen to, I like 'Steam Train to Mallaig' for group piping - love the harmonies. I like 'Desperate Battle of the Birds (An Cath Gailbeach)' - a piobaireachd - for solo piping listening.

  7. #17
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    Well, when I was just a wee lad I saw a Walt Disney movie about Rob Roy McGregor. I was hooked on the pipes after that. It took afew more years but by the time I was 14 I was taking lessons with a band. Been playing off and on since then. I hate 'Amazing Grace' with a passion. My current favorite tune is "The March of The King of Laos".
    By Choice, not by Birth

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