Originally Posted by
Dan R Porter
I thought I saw some kendo in threre..."KOTE!" heh I saw some good moves, are those hard masks? Keep it up.
Yes, they are hard masks. The tall skinny guy, Danny, I do believe studied Kendo. I know he mentioned some style, but I don't remember. Kendo sounds familiar. I myself study a blend of Shotokan karate and Jujitsu. I know you're all going to say Wato, but it's not. My teacher has a totally different style. He's also a very good friend of mine, so he teaches me weapons combat after the regular class leaves. That's nice. It keeps me from getting killed when I play with the Ren Scots. I just get minor injuries... and give as good as I get.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.